![]() |
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
▼ install | |
► db | |
dbmigrate_1.4-2.0.php | This file is called by fossinit.php to create and initialize new ARS tables when migrating from a 1.4 database to 2.0 |
dbmigrate_2.0-2.1.php | This file is called by fossinit.php to migrate from a 2.0 database to 2.1 |
dbmigrate_2.0-2.5-pre.php | This file is called by fo-postinstall, 2.0 database to 2.5 |
dbmigrate_2.1-2.2.php | This file is called by fossinit.php to migrate from a 2.1 database to 2.2. Specifically, this is to create new groups, group_user_member, perm_upload and perm_folder records to support 2.2 permissions |
dbmigrate_2.5-2.6.php | This file is called by fossinit.php to migrate from a 2.5 database to 2.6. Specifically, this is to set active group for current users, insert clearing decisions from license_file_audit table to support 2.6 decisions |
dbmigrate_3.3-3.4.php | Migrate DB from release 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 with new constraints |
dbmigrate_3.5-3.6.php | Migrate DB from release 3.5.0 to 3.6.0 with new column for decision tables |
dbmigrate_3.6-3.7.php | Migrate DB from release 3.6.0 to 3.7.0 with new obligation fixes |
dbmigrate_3.7-3.8.php | Migrate DB from release 3.7.0 to 3.8.0 |
dbmigrate_bulk_license.php | This file is called by fossinit.php to transform bulk licenses into bulk license sets and drop rf_fk column from license_ref_bulk It migrates from to 3.0.0 |
dbmigrate_clearing-event.php | This file is called by fossinit.php to ensure that every user had chosen an active group, link decisions with groups, fill clearing event table with old decisions and link them with decisions It migrates from 2.6 to 2.6.3 |
dbmigrate_copyright-author.php | Reinsert the old email/url/author to new author table and delete the same from copyright table. It migrates from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 |
dbmigrate_multiple_copyright_decisions.php | Add a new column is_enabled to decisions. This is by default false except for the most recent decision which is active It migrates from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 |
dbmigrate_real-parent.php | Add link to real parent in uploadtree table It migrates from 2.6.2 to 3.0.0 |
export_license_ref.php | Export license_ref into licenseref.sql Added in 2.2.0 0: sucess; 1: failed |
fo_mapping_license.php | Replase the old license shortname with new license shortname |
migratetest.php | Test migration function |
resequence_author_table.php | |
sanity_check.php | |
fo_dbcheck.php | Check that you can connect to the db |
fossinit-common.php | Common functions required by init scripts |
fossinit.php | This program applies core-schema.dat to the database (which must exist) and updates the license_ref table |
▼ src | |
► adj2nest | |
► agent | |
adj2nest.c | |
► ui | |
agent_adj2nest.php | |
► buckets | |
► agent | |
buckets.c | Bucket agent |
buckets.h | |
child.c | |
container.c | |
inits.c | Bucket agent initialization and lookup functions |
leaf.c | |
liccache.c | License_ref table cache functions |
liccache.h | |
match.c | |
validate.c | Bucket agent validation, and usage functions |
walk.c | |
write.c | |
► ui | |
admin-bucket-pool.php | The purpose of this is to facilitate editing an existing bucketpool |
agent-bucket.php | |
ajax-filebucket.php | |
bucket-diff.php | |
ui-buckets.php | |
ui-list-bucket-files.php | |
► cli | |
► tests | |
1stest.php | |
all_tests.php | |
dashR.php | |
desc.php | |
duplicate-Upfolder.php | |
parameters.php | |
test_common.php | |
test_cp2foss.php | |
test_fo_copyright_list.php | |
test_fo_nomos_license_list.php | |
test_fossjobs.php | |
test_oneshot.php | |
acme_review.php | |
cp2foss.php | Cp2foss Import a file (or director or url) into FOSSology for processing. 0 for success, 1 for failure |
exportLicenseRefUsingSPDX.php | Export a licenses from SPDX |
fo_antelink.php | |
fo_bucket_list.php | Get a list of filepaths and bucket information for those files |
fo_chmod.php | |
fo_copyright_list.php | Get a list of filepaths and copyright information for those files |
fo_folder.php | |
fo_import_licenses.php | |
fo_monk_license_list.php | |
fo_ninka_license_list.php | |
fo_nomos_license_list.php | |
fo_tagfile.php | |
fo_tagfoss.php | |
fo_usergroup.php | |
fossjobs.php | Fossjobs list fossology agents that are configured in the ui or run the default configured in the ui |
fossupload_status.php | |
schema-export.php | Export a schema in the format used by GetSchema(). This is typically used to export from fossology-gold but can be used on any db |
► copyright | |
► agent | |
cleanEntries.cc | Clean strings |
cleanEntries.hpp | |
copyright.cc | Copyright agent |
copyright.hpp | |
copyrightState.cc | |
copyrightState.hpp | |
copyrightUtils.cc | Utilities used by copyright and ecc agent |
copyrightUtils.hpp | |
copyscan.cc | |
copyscan.hpp | |
database.cc | |
database.hpp | |
directoryScan.cc | Utilities to scan directories |
directoryScan.hpp | |
FossologyUnicodeClean.cc | |
FossologyUnicodeClean.hpp | |
identity.hpp | |
regex.hpp | |
regexConfParser.cc | Handles RegexMap related requests |
regexConfParser.hpp | |
regexConfProvider.cc | |
regexConfProvider.hpp | |
regscan.cc | |
regscan.hpp | |
scanners.cc | |
scanners.hpp | Utilities to help scanners |
► agent_tests | |
► Functional | |
schedulerTest.php | |
► Unit | |
run_tests.cc | |
test_accuracy.cc | Checks the accuracy of agent results |
test_regex.cc | |
test_regexConfProvider.cc | |
test_scanners.cc | |
► ui | |
agent-copyright.php | |
agent-ecc.php | |
agent-keyword.php | |
ajax-copyright-hist.php | |
copyright-hist.php | |
CopyrightView.php | |
ecc-hist.php | |
EccView.php | |
email-hist.php | |
HistogramBase.php | |
keyword-hist.php | |
KeywordView.php | |
library.php | This file contains common functions for the copyright ui plugin |
list.php | This plugin is used to: List files for a given copyright statement/email/url in a given uploadtree |
oneshot.php | |
services.php | |
TextFindingsAjax.php | |
Xpview.php | |
► debug | |
► ui | |
core-debug-fileloc.php | |
core-debug-flush-cache.php | |
core-debug-menus.php | |
core-debug-plugins.php | |
core-debug-user.php | |
► decider | |
► agent | |
BulkReuser.php | |
decider.php | Create new DeciderAgent object and inform scheduler |
DeciderAgent.php | Decider agent |
► agent_tests | |
► Functional | |
HelperPluginMock.php | Provide mock objects and functions for DeciderAgent |
schedulerTest.php | |
SchedulerTestRunner.php | |
SchedulerTestRunnerCli.php | |
SchedulerTestRunnerMock.php | |
► Unit | |
DeciderAgentTest.php | |
► ui | |
DeciderAgentPlugin.php | |
services.php | Add the template path of decider twig templates to twig.loader |
► deciderjob | |
► agent | |
deciderjob.php | |
DeciderJobAgent.php | Decider agent |
► agent_tests | |
► Functional | |
schedulerTest.php | |
SchedulerTestRunner.php | |
SchedulerTestRunnerCli.php | |
SchedulerTestRunnerMock.php | |
► ui | |
DeciderJobAgentPlugin.php | |
► delagent | |
► agent | |
delagent.c | Delagent to delete uploaded packages |
delagent.h | |
util.c | Local function of delagent |
► agent_tests | |
► Functional | |
ft_cliDelagentTest.php | |
ft_DelagentTest.php | |
► Unit | |
testDeleteFolders.c | Testing for the function DeleteFolders and DeleteUploads |
testListFolders.c | Testing for the function ListFolders and ListUploads |
testRun.c | Main function for in this testing module |
testRun.h | |
► ui | |
► Page | |
AdminUploadDelete.php | |
admin-folder-delete.php | |
delete-helper.php | |
DeleteMessages.php | |
DeleteResponse.php | |
services.php | Add the template path of decider twig templates to twig.loader |
► demomod | |
► agent | |
demomod.c | FOSSology demonstration agent |
demomod.h | |
process.c | Functions to process a single file and process an upload |
usage.c | Print agent usage statement |
utils.c | Miscellaneous utility functions for demomod |
► ui | |
agent-demomod.php | Run the demomod agent |
demohello.php | UI component for demomod (Visible in menu) |
demomod.php | Browse an upload and display the demomod data (first bytes of the file) |
► example_wc_agent | |
► agent | |
wc_agent.c | The word count agent, count the word count for one file |
► lib | |
► c | Contains FOSSology C library |
► tests | Unit tests for libfossology |
test_fossconfig.c | Unit tests for the fossconfig library section of libfossology |
test_fossscheduler.c | Unit tests for the fossscheduler library section of libfossology |
test_libfossdb.c | Unit tests for the libfossagent |
test_libfossdbmanager.c | |
testClib.php | |
testlibs.c | |
fossconfig.c | FOSSology library to read config file |
fossconfig.h | FOSSology library to read config file |
fossconfigTest.c | Test for fossconfig |
libfossagent.c | Libfossagent.c contains general use functions for agents |
libfossagent.h | |
libfossdb.c | Common libpq database functions |
libfossdb.h | |
libfossdbmanager.c | |
libfossdbmanager.h | |
libfossology.h | The main FOSSology C library |
libfossrepo.c | Repository access functions. All internal functions are prefixed by '_' |
libfossrepo.h | |
libfossscheduler.c | Scheduler API for agents |
libfossscheduler.h | |
repcat.c | Cat a file from fo_repo to stdout |
repcopyin.c | Copy a file into the repository |
repexist.c | Check if a file exists |
rephost.c | Check the host of the file |
repmmapcheck.c | Check if mmap() works |
reppath.c | Display the path to the file |
repremove.c | Delete a repository entry |
repwrite.c | Create a file |
sqlCopy.c | SqlCopy buffers sql inserts and performs batch copy's to the database. Why do this? Because this method is roughtly 15x faster than individual sql inserts for a typical fossology table insert |
sqlCopy.h | |
sqlCopyTest.c | This is a test program for sqlCopy functions |
► cpp | Contains FOSSology CPP library |
► tests | Unit test cases for CPP library |
run_tests.cc | CPP unit test cases runner |
test_fossdbmanagerclass.cc | Test case for DB Manager |
testUtils.hpp | Utility functions for test |
files.cc | Utility functions for file handling |
files.hpp | Utility functions for file handling |
libfossAgentDatabaseHandler.cc | DB utility functions for agents |
libfossAgentDatabaseHandler.hpp | DB utility functions for agents |
libfossdbmanagerclass.cc | DB wrapper for agents |
libfossdbmanagerclass.hpp | DB wrapper for agents |
libfossdbQueryResult.cc | Wrapper for DB result |
libfossdbQueryResult.hpp | Wrapper for DB result |
libfossologyCPP.hpp | The main FOSSology CPP library |
libfossUtils.cc | General utility functions for CPP |
libfossUtils.hpp | General utility functions for CPP |
uniquePtr.hpp | Defined which unique to be used by creating new unptr namespace |
► php | Common library functions for agents based on PHP language |
► Agent | Library functions for agents |
Agent.php | Library functions for agents |
► Application | Utility functions for specific applications |
► test | |
LicenseCsvExportTest.php | |
LicenseCsvImportTest.php | |
RepositoryApiTest.php | |
UserInfoTest.php | |
CurlRequest.php | Utility functions to handle curl requests |
CurlRequestService.php | Service to create new curl request handler |
LicenseCsvExport.php | Helper class to export license list as a CSV from the DB |
LicenseCsvImport.php | Import licenses from CSV |
ObligationCsvExport.php | Helper class to export obligations as a CSV |
ObligationCsvImport.php | Helper class for Obligation CSV Import |
RepositoryApi.php | Helper class to get the latest release and commits from GitHub API |
UserInfo.php | Get user info from session |
► Auth | |
Auth.php | Contains the constants and helpers for authentication of user |
► BusinessRules | |
► test | |
AgentLicenseEventProcessorTest.php | |
ClearingDecisionFilterTest.php | |
ClearingDecisionProcessorTest.php | |
ClearingEventProcessorTest.php | |
LicenseMapTest.php | |
AgentLicenseEventProcessor.php | |
ClearingDecisionFilter.php | |
ClearingDecisionProcessor.php | |
ClearingEventProcessor.php | |
LicenseMap.php | |
ObligationMap.php | |
► Dao | |
► test | |
AgentDaoTest.php | |
ClearingDaoTest.php | |
CopyrightDaoTest.php | |
FolderDaoTest.php | |
LicenseDaoTest.php | |
LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php | |
ShowJobsDaoTest.php | |
TreeDaoTest.php | |
UploadDaoTest.php | |
UploadPermissionDaoTest.php | |
UserDaoTest.php | |
AgentDao.php | |
ClearingDao.php | |
CopyrightDao.php | |
FolderDao.php | |
HighlightDao.php | |
JobDao.php | |
LicenseDao.php | |
LicenseStdCommentDao.php | |
PackageDao.php | |
ShowJobsDao.php | |
SoftwareHeritageDao.php | |
TreeDao.php | |
UploadDao.php | |
UploadPermissionDao.php | |
UserDao.php | |
► Data | |
► Clearing | |
► test | |
AgentClearingEventTest.php | |
ClearingEventTest.php | |
ClearingEventTypesTest.php | |
ClearingResultTest.php | |
AgentClearingEvent.php | |
ClearingEvent.php | |
ClearingEventBuilder.php | |
ClearingEventTypes.php | |
ClearingLicense.php | |
ClearingResult.php | |
LicenseClearing.php | |
► Folder | |
► test | |
FolderTest.php | |
Folder.php | |
► Package | |
► test | |
PackageTest.php | |
Package.php | |
► test | |
AgentRefTest.php | |
ClearingDecisionBuilderTest.php | |
DecisionScopesTest.php | |
DecisionTypesTest.php | |
HighlightTest.php | |
LicenseMatchTest.php | |
LicenseRefTest.php | |
LicenseTest.php | |
TextFragmentTest.php | |
► Tree | |
► test | |
ItemTest.php | |
ItemTreeBoundsTest.php | |
Item.php | |
ItemTreeBounds.php | |
► Upload | |
► test | |
UploadTest.php | |
Upload.php | |
UploadProgress.php | |
AgentRef.php | |
ClearingDecision.php | |
ClearingDecisionBuilder.php | |
DecisionScopes.php | |
DecisionTypes.php | |
Highlight.php | |
JobStatus.php | |
License.php | |
LicenseMatch.php | |
LicenseRef.php | |
SplitPosition.php | |
TextFragment.php | |
Types.php | |
UploadStatus.php | |
► Db | |
► Driver | |
Postgres.php | |
SqliteE.php | |
► test | |
DbManagerTest.php | |
ModernDbManagerTest.php | |
SolidDbManagerTest.php | |
DbManager.php | |
Driver.php | |
ModernDbManager.php | |
SolidDbManager.php | |
► Exceptions | |
DuplicateTokenKeyException.php | |
DuplicateTokenNameException.php | |
► Html | |
► test | |
LinkElementTest.php | |
SimpleElementTest.php | |
HtmlElement.php | |
LinkElement.php | |
SimpleHtmlElement.php | |
► Plugin | |
► test | |
DefaultPluginTest.php | |
AgentPlugin.php | |
DefaultPlugin.php | |
FO_Plugin.php | |
Plugin.php | |
► Proxy | |
► test | |
DbViewProxyTest.php | |
LatestScannerProxyTest.php | |
LicenseViewProxyTest.php | |
ScanJobProxyTest.php | |
UploadBrowseProxyTest.php | |
UploadTreeProxyTest.php | |
UploadTreeViewProxyTest.php | |
DbViewProxy.php | |
LatestScannerProxy.php | |
LicenseViewProxy.php | |
ScanJobProxy.php | |
UploadBrowseProxy.php | |
UploadTreeProxy.php | |
UploadTreeViewProxy.php | |
► Report | |
► tests | |
ClearedGetterCommonTest.php | |
BulkMatchesGetter.php | |
ClearedGetterCommon.php | |
LicenseClearedGetter.php | |
LicenseDNUGetter.php | |
LicenseIrrelevantGetter.php | |
LicenseMainGetter.php | |
ObligationsGetter.php | |
OtherGetter.php | |
XpClearedGetter.php | |
► Test | |
► Agent | |
AgentTestMockHelper.php | |
► test | |
ReflectoryTest.php | |
TestLiteDbTest.php | |
TestPgDbTest.php | |
EnumMapTestBase.php | |
Reflectory.php | |
TestAbstractDb.php | |
TestInstaller.php | |
TestLiteDb.php | |
TestPgDb.php | |
► tests | |
test_common_active.php | Unit tests for common-active.php |
test_common_auth.php | Unit tests for common-auth.php |
test_common_cache.php | Unit tests for common-cache.php |
test_common_cli.php | Unit tests for common-cli.php |
test_common_dir.php | Unit tests for common-dir.php |
test_common_license_file.php | Unit tests for common-license-file.php |
test_common_menu.php | Unit tests for common-menu.php |
test_common_parm.php | Unit tests for common-parm.php |
test_common_pkg.php | Unit tests for common-pkg.php |
test_common_sysconfig.php | Unit tests for common-sysconfig.php |
test_common_ui.php | Unit tests for common-ui.php |
► Text | |
► tests | |
EncodingConverterTest.php | |
Converter.php | |
EncodingConverter.php | |
► UI | |
► Component | |
Menu.php | |
MicroMenu.php | |
► test | |
FolderNavTest.php | |
FolderNav.php | |
MenuHook.php | |
MenuRenderer.php | |
► Util | |
► test | |
ArrayOperationTest.php | |
StringOperationTest.php | |
TimingLoggerTest.php | |
ArrayOperation.php | |
CopyrightLister.php | |
DataTablesUtility.php | |
StringOperation.php | |
TimingLogger.php | |
► View | |
► test | |
HighlightProcessorTest.php | |
HighlightRendererTest.php | |
HighlightStateTest.php | |
PagedHexResultTest.php | |
PagedResultTest.php | |
PagedTextResultTest.php | |
TextRendererTest.php | |
UrlBuilderTest.php | |
HighlightProcessor.php | |
HighlightRenderer.php | |
HighlightState.php | |
PagedHexResult.php | |
PagedResult.php | |
PagedTextResult.php | |
TextRenderer.php | |
UrlBuilder.php | |
common-active.php | These are common functions for performing active HTTP requests. (Used in place of AJAX or ActiveX.) |
common-agents.php | These are common functions used by analysis agents |
common-auth.php | This file contains common authentication function |
common-buckets.php | These are common bucket functions |
common-cache.php | General purpose classes used for fossology report cache |
common-cli.php | General purpose classes used by fossology CLI programs |
common-compare.php | These are common functions for the file picker and the diff tools |
common-container.php | Setup the dependency injection container for Symfony from services.xml |
common-db.php | This file contains common database functions |
common-dir.php | Common Directory Functions |
common-folders.php | Common Folder Functions Design note: Folders could be stored in a menu listing (using menu_insert). However, since menu_insert() runs a usort() during each insert, this can be really slow. For speed, folders are handled separately |
common-job.php | Library of functions used by the UI to manage jobs |
common-license-file.php | This file contains common functions for the license_file and license_ref tables |
common-menu.php | Common menu functions |
common-parm.php | Common function of REQUEST parmeters |
common-perms.php | Library of common functions for permissions and groups |
common-pkg.php | This file contains common functions for the package agent |
common-plugin.php | Core functions for user interface plugins |
common-repo.php | This file contains common repository functions |
common-scheduler.php | Core functions for communicating with the scheduler (v2) |
common-string.php | Common function to handle strings |
common-sysconfig.php | System configuration functions |
common-tags.php | Common functions for tag |
common-ui.php | Common function for UI operations |
common-users.php | This file contains common functions involving the users table |
common.php | These are common functions to be used by anyone |
Exception.php | |
libschema.php | Functions to bring database schema to a known state |
► maintagent | |
► agent | |
maintagent.c | FOSSology maintenance agent |
maintagent.h | |
process.c | Functions to process a single file and process an upload |
usage.c | Maintenance agent validation, and usage functions |
utils.c | Miscellaneous utility functions for maintagent |
► ui | |
maintagent.php | |
► mimetype | |
► agent | |
finder.c | Get mime type for specified package |
finder.h | |
mimetype.c | Get the mimetype for a package |
► agent_tests | |
► Functional | Functional tests for mimetype |
cliParamsTest4Mimetype.php | Test the mimetype agent through command line. mimetype agent |
► Unit | Unit tests for mimetype agent |
► finder | Actual test cases |
testDBCheckMime.c | Testing for the function DBCheckMime |
testDBFindMime.c | Testing for the function DBFindMime() |
testDBLoadMime.c | Testing for the function DBLoadMime |
testOtheFunctions.c | Testing for the function CheckMimeTypes, GetDefaultMime, GetFieldValue |
testRun.c | Main function for in this testing module |
testRun.h | |
► ui | |
agent-mimetype.php | UI plugin for mimetype agent |
► monk | |
► agent | |
buildSquareVisitor.c | |
cli.c | |
cli.h | |
common.c | |
common.h | |
database.c | |
database.h | |
diff.c | |
diff.h | |
encoding.c | |
encoding.h | |
file_operations.c | |
file_operations.h | |
hash.c | |
hash.h | |
highlight.c | |
highlight.h | |
license.c | |
license.h | |
match.c | |
match.h | |
monk.c | |
monk.h | |
monkbulk.c | |
monkbulk.h | |
scheduler.c | |
scheduler.h | |
serialize.c | |
serialize.h | |
string_operations.c | |
string_operations.h | |
► agent_tests | |
► Functional | |
bulkTest.php | |
cliTest.php | |
schedulerTest.php | |
► Unit | |
run_tests.c | |
test_database.c | |
test_diff.c | |
test_encoding.c | |
test_file_operations.c | |
test_hash.c | |
test_highlight.c | |
test_license.c | |
test_match.c | |
test_serialize.c | |
test_string_operations.c | |
► ui | |
admin-monk-revision.php | |
agent-monk-bulk.php | |
agent-monk.php | |
oneshot.php | |
► ninka | |
► agent | |
databasehandler.cc | |
databasehandler.hpp | |
licensematch.cc | |
licensematch.hpp | |
ninka.cc | |
ninka.hpp | |
ninkawrapper.cc | |
ninkawrapper.hpp | |
state.cc | |
state.hpp | |
utils.cc | |
utils.hpp | |
► agent_tests | |
► Functional | |
schedulerTest.php | |
► Unit | |
run_tests.cc | |
test_ninkawrapper.cc | |
► ui | |
agent-ninka.php | |
► nomos | |
► agent | Nomos agent source |
DMalloc.c | |
DMalloc.h | |
doctorBuffer_utils.c | Doctor buffer utilities for debugging |
doctorBuffer_utils.h | |
encode.c | Simple utility program for escaping C strings for inclusion in code |
json_writer.c | |
json_writer.h | Handle JSON outputs |
licenses.c | Utilities to scan, score and save license found data |
licenses.h | |
list.c | List manipulation functions and str/val Compare functions |
list.h | |
nomos.c | Main for the nomos agent |
nomos.h | Nomos header file |
nomos_gap.c | |
nomos_gap.h | |
nomos_regex.c | Search using regex functions |
nomos_regex.h | |
nomos_utils.c | Utilities used by nomos |
nomos_utils.h | |
parse.c | Searches for licenses |
parse.h | |
process.c | Some common functions that process the files for scanning |
process.h | |
standalone.c | Dummy implementations of library functions for stand-alone operations |
standalone.h | |
util.c | Misc utilites |
util.h | |
► agent_tests | |
► Functional | Functional test cases for Nomos |
CommonCliTest.php | Functional test cases for Nomos |
Nomos-fun-test.php | Regression test for NOMOS |
OneShot-affero.php | Perform a one-shot license analysis on a affero 2 and 3 licenses |
OneShot-bsd.php | Perform a one-shot license analysis on a file (include bsd license) |
OneShot-empty.php | Perform a one-shot license analysis on an empty file |
OneShot-gpl3.php | Perform a one-shot license analysis on a glpv3 license |
OneShot-JSON.php | Run one-shot license analysis on JSON license |
OneShot-lgpl2.1.php | Run one-shot license analysis on LGPL_v2.1 license |
OneShot-multiFile.php | Perform a one-shot license analysis on multiple files |
OneShot-none.php | Perform a one-shot license analysis on a file with no license |
OneShot-Oracle-Berkeley-DB.php | Perform a one-shot license analysis on Oracle-Berkeley-DB and sleepycat license |
► Unit | Unit test cases for Nomos |
run_tests.c | Unit test cases for Nomos |
test_DoctoredBuffer.c | Test cases for Doctored buffer |
test_nomos_gap.c | Unit test cases for Nomos_gap |
► ui | |
agent-nomos-once.php | Run an analysis for a single file, do not store results in the DB |
agent-nomos.php | UI plugin for NOMOS |
ajax-filelic.php | This plugin finds all the uploadtree_pk's in the first directory level under a parent, that contain a given license |
nomos-diff.php | Compare License Browser, list license histogram |
► ui_tests | |
► Functional | |
ckZendTest.php | |
verifyRedHatTest.php | |
► ojo | |
► agent | The OJO agent |
directoryScan.cc | Utilities to scan directories |
directoryScan.hpp | |
OjoAgent.cc | |
OjoAgent.hpp | |
ojomatch.hpp | |
ojoregex.cc | |
ojoregex.hpp | |
ojos.cc | Entry point for ojo agent |
ojos.hpp | |
OjosDatabaseHandler.cc | Data base handler for OJO |
OjosDatabaseHandler.hpp | Database handler for OJO |
OjoState.cc | |
OjoState.hpp | |
OjoUtils.cc | |
OjoUtils.hpp | |
► agent_tests | |
► Functional | |
schedulerTest.php | Functional test cases for ojo agent using scheduler |
SchedulerTestRunner.php | |
SchedulerTestRunnerCli.php | |
SchedulerTestRunnerScheduler.php | |
► Unit | |
run_tests.cc | Unit test executioner for OJO agent |
test_regex.cc | |
test_scanners.cc | |
► ui | |
agent-ojos.php | |
► pkgagent | |
► agent | Package agent source |
main.c | Main for pkgagent |
pkgagent.c | Local function of pkgagent |
pkgagent.h | Pkgagent header |
► agent_tests | |
► Functional | Function test the pkgagent |
ft_cliPkgagentTest.php | Function test the pkgagent cli |
► Unit | Unit test for pkgagent |
testGetFieldValue.c | Unit test for GetFieldValue function |
testGetMetadata.c | Unit test for GetMetadata function |
testGetMetadataDebBinary.c | Unit test for GetMetadataDebBinary function |
testGetMetadataDebSource.c | Unit test for GetMetadataDebSource function |
testRecordMetadataDEB.c | Unit test for RecordMetadataDEB function |
testRecordMetadataRPM.c | Unit test for RecordMetadataRPM function |
testRun.c | |
testTrim.c | Unit test for Trim function |
► ui | UI plugin of pkgagent |
agent-pkgagent.php | UI plugin of pkgagent |
► readmeoss | Readme_OSS agent |
► agent | Readme_OSS agent source |
readmeoss.php | Readme_OSS agent |
► ui | UI component of ReadMe_OSS agent |
ReadMeOssAgentPlugin.php | Generate report for multiple uploads at browse mod |
ReadMeOssPlugin.php | UI plugin for ReadMeOSS agent |
► regexscan | |
► agent | Sample scanner with multiple stages |
regexscan-Stage1.c | Stage 1 demonstration |
regexscan-Stage2.c | Stage 2 demonstration |
regexscan-Stage3.c | Stage 3 demonstration |
regexscan.c | Regular expression scanning agent. Tutorial sample code |
► reportImport | |
► agent | |
ImportSource.php | |
reportImport.php | |
ReportImportAgent.php | |
ReportImportConfiguration.php | |
ReportImportData.php | |
ReportImportDataItem.php | |
ReportImportHelper.php | |
ReportImportSink.php | |
services.php | |
SpdxTwoImportSource.php | |
XmlImportSource.php | |
► ui | |
ReportImportAgentPlugin.php | |
ReportImportPlugin.php | |
services.php | |
► reuser | |
► agent | Source for reuser agent |
reuser.php | |
ReuserAgent.php | Reuser agent source |
► agent_tests | |
► Functional | Functional test cases for Reuser agent |
schedulerTest.php | Functional test cases for Reuser agent and scheduler interaction |
SchedulerTestRunner.php | |
SchedulerTestRunnerCli.php | |
SchedulerTestRunnerMock.php | |
► ui | UI element of reuser agent |
agent-reuser.php | |
reuser-plugin.php | |
services.php | Add the template path of copyright twig templates to twig.loader |
► scheduler | |
► agent | Source for scheduler |
agent.c | Contains agent related information |
agent.h | Header file with agent related operations |
database.c | Database related operations |
database.h | |
emailformatter.c | Format email body for a list of agents and their status |
emailformatter.h | |
event.c | Event handling operations |
event.h | Event handling operations |
fo_cli.c | CLI interface for scheduler |
fo_scheduler.c | Main function for scheduler |
host.c | Host related operations |
host.h | |
interface.c | Scheduler interface operations |
interface.h | |
job.c | Job handling operations |
job.h | |
logging.c | Log related operations |
logging.h | Log related operations |
scheduler.c | Scheduler operations |
scheduler.h | Header file for the scheduler |
sqlstatements.h | |
► agent_tests | |
► agents | Contains sample agents which have specific behaviors |
before_connect.c | This is a simple test agent meant to be used by Unit and functional tests to confirm a correctly working scheduler |
db_connect.c | This is a simple test agent meant to be used by Unit and functional tests to confirm a correctly working scheduler |
multi_connect.c | This is a simple test agent meant to be used by Unit and functional tests to confirm a correctly working scheduler |
no_check.c | This is a simple test agent meant to be used by Unit and functional tests to confirm a correctly working scheduler |
no_disconnect.c | This is a simple test agent meant to be used by Unit and functional tests to confirm a correctly working scheduler |
no_update.c | This is a simple test agent meant to be used by Unit and functional tests to confirm a correctly working scheduler |
quick_death.c | This is a simple test agent meant to be used by Unit and functional tests to confirm a correctly working scheduler |
simple.c | This is a simple test agent meant to be used by Unit and functional tests to confirm a correctly working scheduler |
wait_special.c | This is a simple test agent meant to be used by Unit and functional tests to confirm a correctly working scheduler |
► Functional | Functional testing module |
Functional.py | Functional testing module |
► Unit | Unit tests for scheduler |
testAgent.c | Unit tests for agent operations |
testDatabase.c | Unit test cases for db operations |
testEvent.c | Unit test for event operations |
testHost.c | Unit test for host operations |
testInterface.c | Unit test for interface operations |
testJob.c | Unit test for job operations |
testRun.c | Unit tests for scheduler |
testRun.h | |
testScheduler.c | Unit test for scheduler operations |
utils.c | Utility functions for tests |
utils.h | |
► ui_tests | Contains test cases for UI modules |
scheduler_status.php | Test scheduler connection and status |
► softwareHeritage | |
► agent | Source for software heritage agent |
softwareHeritage.php | |
softwareHeritageAgent.php | Software Heritage agent source |
► ui | |
agent-shagent.php | |
AjaxSHDetailsBrowser.php | |
services.php | Add the template path of copyright twig templates to twig.loader |
softwareHeritage-plugin.php | |
► spdx2 | |
► agent | Source code of SPDX2 report agent |
services.php | Add the template path of copyright twig templates to twig.loader |
spdx2.php | SPDX2 report generation |
spdx2utils.php | |
► agent_tests | |
► Functional | Functional test cases for SPDX2 agent |
schedulerTest.php | Functional test cases for SPDX2 agent and scheduler interaction |
SchedulerTestRunner.php | |
SchedulerTestRunnerCli.php | |
► Unit | Unit test cases for SPDX2 agent |
spdx2utilTest.php | Unit test cases for SPDX2 agent |
► ui | UI for SPDX2 agent |
DepFiveAgentPlugin.php | |
SpdxTwoAgentPlugin.php | |
SpdxTwoGeneratorUi.php | |
SpdxTwoTagValueAgentPlugin.php | |
► testing | |
► db | |
► c | |
libfodbreposysconf.c | Api for db, sysconfig, repo. you can create/drop a DB/sysconfig/repo |
libfodbreposysconf.h | |
cleanup_test_databases.php | |
create_test_database.php | |
createEmptyTestEnvironment.php | |
createTestDB.php | |
createTestEnvironment.php | |
purgeTestEnvironment.php | |
TestDbFactory.php | |
► functional | |
FossologyFunctionalTests.php | |
runAgentFunc.php | |
runFunctionalTests.php | |
runTestCleanup.php | |
runUploadsTest.php | |
runVerifyUploadsTests.php | |
testFOSSology.php | |
► install | |
► test4migrationinstall | |
test_common.php | |
test_cp2foss.php | |
testdata.php | |
► test4packageinstall | |
test_common.php | |
test_cp2foss.php | |
testdata.php | |
migrateConfig.php | Prepare a system for pkg migrate testing |
pkgConfig.php | Prepare a system for install testing |
srcConfig.php | Prepare a system for source install testing |
vmcheck.php | Make sure the vm's for package testing are on and have a snapshot |
vmrevert.php | Revert to the current snapshot on the vm |
► lib | |
► c | |
libfocunit.c | |
libfocunit.h | |
► testClasses | |
check4jobs.php | |
db.php | |
dom-parseLicenseTable.php | |
parseBrowseMenu.php | |
parseFolderPath.php | |
parseLicenseTbl.php | |
parseLicenseTblDirs.php | |
parseLicGrpFileLinks.php | |
parseMiniMenu.php | |
parsePgLinks.php | |
ReadInputFile.php | |
timer.php | |
bootstrap.php | Fossology system bootstrap This file may be DUPLICATED in any php utility that needs to bootstrap itself |
common-Test.php | |
common-Ui.php | |
common-vm.php | |
createRC.php | |
fossologyTest.php | |
fossologyTestCase.php | |
libTestDB.php | |
reportClass.php | |
TestRun.php | |
► regression | |
regressiontest.php | |
► reports | |
textReport.php | |
xml2html.php | |
► templates | |
► PHPUnit | Contains unit test cases |
templatePHPUnit.php | |
► simpletest | |
myrun.php | |
mytest.php | |
runtemplate.php | |
SampleTestRunner.php | |
templateTest.php | |
► unit | |
runAgentUnit.php | |
► utils | |
BuildandInstall.php | |
checkConfig.php | |
checkOutSrcs.php | |
cleanRF.php | |
configTestEnv.php | |
createRC.php | |
createTestFiles.php | |
createUIUsers.php | |
fo-runTests.php | |
Install.php | |
junit_xml_reporter.php | |
libCopyRight.php | |
lnfo-runTests.php | |
Nightly.php | |
printLicTbl.php | |
printUrlTbl.php | |
simpleUi-users.php | |
testCleanUp.php | |
upl1File.php | |
upload1File.php | |
uploadTestData.php | |
uploadUnpack.php | |
uplTestData.php | |
wait4jobs.php | |
checkTestData.php | |
fo_integration.php | |
fointeg.php | |
► unifiedreport | |
► agent | Contains agent's source code |
reportStatic.php | |
reportSummary.php | |
unifiedreport.php | Source for Unified report agent |
► agent_tests | |
► Functional | Functional tests for unified report |
schedulerTest.php | Functional tests for unified report |
SchedulerTestRunner.php | |
SchedulerTestRunnerCli.php | |
► ui | Contains UI plugin for unified report agent |
agent-foreport.php | Contains UI plugin for unified report agent |
agent-report.php | |
► ununpack | |
► agent | Source code for ununpack agent |
checksum.c | Code to compute a three part checksum: SHA1.MD5.Size |
checksum.h | |
departition.c | Extract a partition table from file systems |
externs.h | Stores all extern variables used by the agent |
traverse.c | Traverse directories |
ununpack-ar.c | The universal unpacker - Code to unpack an AR file |
ununpack-ar.h | |
ununpack-disk.c | The universal unpacker code to unpack a disk file system |
ununpack-disk.h | |
ununpack-iso.c | The universal unpacker code to unpack an ISO file system |
ununpack-iso.h | |
ununpack.c | Main file for ununpack agent |
ununpack.h | |
ununpack_globals.h | Contains global declaration of variables |
utils.c | Contains all utility functions used by FOSSology |
► agent_tests | Contains agent's test cases |
► Functional | |
cliParamsTest4UnunpackException.php | Test the ununpack agent cli parameters. (Exceptions) |
cliParamsTest4UnunpackNormal.php | Test the ununpack agent cli parameters. (Normal) |
utility.php | |
► Unit | Unit test cases for ununpack agent |
run_tests.c | Unit test runner for ununpack agent |
run_tests.h | |
test_Checksum.c | Unit test case for checksum.c |
test_ContainerInfo.c | Unit test cases for ContainerInfo |
test_CopyFile.c | Unit test cases related to file handling |
test_DBInsert.c | Tests for ununpack DB access function |
test_FindCmd.c | Unit test cases for FindCmd() |
test_IsFunctions.c | Unit test cases for Isxxx functions |
test_PathCheck.c | Unit test cases for PathCheck() and Usage() |
test_Prune.c | Unit test cases for Prune() |
test_RunCommand.c | Unit test cases for RunCommand() |
test_TaintString.c | |
test_Traverse.c | Unit test cases for Traverse() |
test_TraverseChild.c | Unit test cases for TraverseChild() |
test_TraverseStart.c | Unit test cases for TraverseStart() |
test_ununpack-ar.c | Unit test cases for ExtractAR() |
test_ununpack-disk.c | Unit test cases for ExtractDisk() |
test_ununpack-iso.c | Unit test cases for ExtractISO() |
► ui | UI components for ununpack agent |
agent-unpack.php | UI plugin for ununpack agent |
ui-reunpack.php | Reunpack the archive |
► wget_agent | |
► agent | |
main.c | Main for wget agent locally to import the file to repo |
wget_agent.c | Wget_agent: Retrieve a file and put it in the database |
wget_agent.h | |
► agent_tests | |
► Functional | Contains functional test cases |
cliParamsTest4WgetAgent.php | |
► Unit | |
► wget_agent | Contains actual test cases |
testDBLoadGold.c | Testing for the function DBLoadGold |
testGetURL.c | Testing for the function GetURL() |
testSetEnv.c | Testing for the function SetEnv() |
testUtilities.c | Testing for functions GetPosition, IsFile, TaintURL |
testRun.c | Main function for in this testing module |
testRun.h | |
utility.c | Judge if the file or directory is existed not |
utility.h | |
► ui | Contains UI modules of the agent |
wget_agent.php | Schedule the wget_agent agent |
► www | |
► ui | |
► api | REST api for FOSSology |
► Controllers | Controllers for REST requests |
AuthController.php | Controller for auth queries |
BadRequestController.php | Controller for bad request queries |
FolderController.php | Controller for folder queries |
JobController.php | Controller for job queries |
ReportController.php | Controller for report queries |
RestController.php | Base controller for REST calls |
SearchController.php | Controller for search queries |
UploadController.php | Controller for upload queries |
UserController.php | Controller for user queries |
VersionController.php | Controller to get REST API version |
► Helper | Helper functions for REST api use |
► UploadHelper | |
HelperToUploadFilePage.php | Helper to handle file uploads via REST API |
HelperToUploadSrvPage.php | Helper to handle server uploads via REST API |
HelperToUploadUrlPage.php | Helper to handle URL uploads via REST API |
HelperToUploadVcsPage.php | Helper to handle VCS uploads via REST API |
AuthHelper.php | Provides authentication helper methods for REST api |
DbHelper.php | DB helper for REST api |
RestHelper.php | DAO helper functions for REST api |
UploadHelper.php | Helper to handle package uploads |
► Middlewares | Middlewares for the Slim framework |
FossologyInitMiddleware.php | FOSSology initializer for Slim |
RestAuthMiddleware.php | Auth middleware for Slim |
► Models | Data models/resources supported by REST api |
Analysis.php | Analysis model |
Decider.php | Decider model |
File.php | File model |
Folder.php | Folder model |
Info.php | Info model |
InfoType.php | |
Job.php | Job model |
Reuser.php | Reuser model |
ScanOptions.php | Scan options model |
SearchResult.php | Model for search results |
Upload.php | Upload model |
UploadSummary.php | Upload summary model |
User.php | User model |
index.php | Provides router for REST api requests |
► async | |
AjaxAdminScheduler.php | |
AjaxAllJobStatus.php | |
AjaxBrowse.php | |
AjaxBulkHistory.php | |
AjaxExplorer.php | |
AjaxFileBrowser.php | |
AjaxFolderContents.php | |
AjaxJobInfo.php | |
AjaxJobStatus.php | |
AjaxLicenseStdComments.php | |
AjaxManageToken.php | |
AjaxShowJobs.php | Provide data for jobs table |
ScheduleAgent.php | |
► page | |
AboutPage.php | |
AdminContentDelete.php | |
AdminContentMove.php | |
AdminGroupDelete.php | |
AdminGroupUsers.php | |
AdminLicenseCandidate.php | |
AdminLicenseFromCSV.php | |
AdminLicenseStdComments.php | |
AdminLicenseToCSV.php | |
AdminObligationFromCSV.php | |
AdminObligationToCSV.php | |
AdviceLicense.php | |
AllJobStatus.php | |
BrowseLicense.php | |
GettingStartedPage.php | |
HomePage.php | |
UploadFilePage.php | |
UploadPageBase.php | |
UploadPermissionPage.php | |
UploadSrvPage.php | |
UploadUrlPage.php | |
UploadVcsPage.php | |
► scripts | |
admin-license-std-comments.js | |
browse.js | |
change-license-browse.js | |
change-license-common.js | |
change-license-view.js | |
copyrightHist.js | |
job-queue-poll.js | |
jquery-3.3.1.min.js | |
jquery-ui.js | |
jquery.cookie.js | |
jquery.dataTables.editable.js | |
jquery.dataTables.min.js | |
jquery.dataTables.select.js | |
jquery.jeditable.js | |
jquery.plainmodal.min.js | |
jquery.treeview.js | |
jquery.validate.js | |
legend.js | |
license.js | |
select2.full.min.js | |
supervised.js | |
tools.js | |
ui-clearing-view_bulk.js | |
user-edit.js | |
acme_review.php | |
admin-config.php | |
admin-dashboard-general.php | |
admin-dashboard-stats.php | |
admin-folder-create.php | |
admin-folder-edit.php | |
admin-license-file.php | |
admin-obligation-file.php | |
admin-scheduler.php | Operations on the scheduler from GUI |
admin-tag-manage.php | |
admin-tag.php | |
admin-upload-edit.php | |
agent-add.php | |
ajax-clearing-view.php | |
ajax-manage-tag.php | |
ajax-schedule-agent.php | |
ajax-tags.php | |
ajax-upload-agents.php | |
ajax-uploads.php | This plugin is used to list all uploads associated with a folder. This is NOT intended to be a user-UI plugin. This is intended as an active plugin to provide support data to the UI. User must have PERM_WRITE to the uploads |
change-license-bulk.php | |
change-license-processPost.php | |
core-auth.php | |
core-init.php | |
core-smauth.php | |
group-add.php | |
i18n.php | |
index.php | |
popup-license.php | |
search-helper.php | |
search.php | |
showjobs.php | |
ui-browse.php | |
ui-clearing-view.php | |
ui-download.php | |
ui-export-list.php | |
ui-file-browse.php | |
ui-license-list-files.php | |
ui-picker.php | Permit people to positively pick a pair of paths, Path pairs are used by reports that do file comparisons and differences between files (like isos, packages, directories, etc.) |
ui-refresh.php | |
ui-report-conf.php | |
ui-tags.php | |
ui-topnav.php | |
ui-treenav.php | |
ui-view-info.php | |
ui-view.php | |
upload-instructions.php | |
user-add.php | |
user-del-helper.php | |
user-del.php | |
user-edit.php | |
► ui_tests | |
► BasicTests | |
BasicSetup.php | |
createFldrDeleteIt.php | |
CreateFolderTest.php | |
DeleteFolderTest.php | |
DupFolderTest.php | |
DupUploadTest.php | |
editFolderDescriptionOnlyTest.php | |
editFolderNameOnlyTest.php | |
editFolderTest.php | |
moveFolderTest.php | |
moveUploadTest.php | |
runBasicTests.php | |
UploadFileTest.php | |
UploadSrvArchiveTest.php | |
uploadSrvDirTest.php | |
uploadSrvFileTest.php | |
UploadUrlTest.php | |
► EmailNotification | |
changeENV.php | |
uploadWEmail.php | |
uploadWoutEmail.php | |
► SiteTests | |
AboutMenuTest.php | |
login.php | |
OrgFoldersMenuTest-Create.php | |
OrgFoldersMenuTest-Delete.php | |
OrgFoldersMenuTest-Edit.php | |
OrgFoldersMenuTest-Move.php | |
OrgUploadsMenuTest-Delete.php | |
OrgUploadsMenuTest-Move.php | |
runSiteTests.php | |
SearchMenuTest.php | |
UploadFileMenuTest.php | |
UploadInstructMenuTest.php | |
UploadOne-ShotMenuTest.php | |
UploadServerMenuTest.php | |
UploadUrlMenuTest.php | |
► Unit | |
test-showjobs.php | |
ui-picker-Test.php | |
► Users | |
addUserTest.php | |
dupUserTest.php | |
emailUserTest.php | |
noEmailUserTest.php | |
userEditAnyTest.php | |
► VerifyTests | |
► bsam | |
bsam-verifyFoss23D1F1L.php | |
bsam-verifyFossDirsOnly.php | |
bsam-verifyFossI16L518.php | |
browseUploadedTest.php | |
bsam-verifyFoss23D1F1L.php | |
bsam-verifyFossDirsOnly.php | |
bsam-verifyFossI16L518.php | |
OneShot-lgpl2.1-T.php | |
OneShot-lgpl2.1.php | |
runVerifyTests.php | |
verifyFoss23D1F1L.php | |
verifyFossDirsOnly.php | |
verifyFossI16L335U29.php | |
foss_ui.php | |
runDummy.php | |
startUpTest.php | |
Tweb.php | |
dox.c | |
phpunit-bootstrap.php | |
▼ utils | |
► backup | |
fo-restore.php | |
► fedora | |
clean-tars.php | |
get-fsrc.php | |
► freshmeat | |
► Classes | |
FreshmeatRdfs.php | |
GetFreshmeatRdf.php | |
► tests | |
GpTestSuite.php | |
runGp.php | |
tfmrdf.php | |
tgetfm.php | |
tReadInFile.php | |
diffm.php | |
get-projects.php | |
lib_projxml.h.php | |
mk_fmdirs.php | |
mktop1k.php | |
trac.php | |
list_license.php | List license in fossology |
parse_license.php | |
runBuild_v2.0.php | |
unique.php |