FOSSology  3.2.0rc1
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
libfossrepo.c File Reference

Repository access functions. All internal functions are prefixed by '_'. More...

#include "libfossrepo.h"
#include "libfossscheduler.h"
#include "fossconfig.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <glib.h>
Include dependency graph for libfossrepo.c:

Go to the source code of this file.


 Max host name length.
#define MAXLINE   1024
 Max length of a line.
 Default repo name.
#define GROUP   0
 Default group ID.
#define REPCONFCHECK()   { if (!*RepPath) fo_RepOpen(); }


int _RepCheckType (const char *S)
 Simple check to see if the string S is valid filename. More...
int _RepCheckString (char *S)
 Simple check to see if the string is valid. More...
char * fo_RepGetRepPath ()
 Determine the path for the repository's root. More...
int fo_RepHostExist (char *Type, char *Host)
 Determine if a host exists. More...
char * _RepGetHost (const char *Type, char *Filename, int MatchNum)
 Determine the host for the tree. More...
char * fo_RepGetHost (char *Type, char *Filename)
 Determine the host for a filename. More...
char * fo_RepMkPathTmp (const char *Type, char *Filename, char *Ext, int Which)
 Given a filename, construct the full path to the file. More...
char * fo_RepMkPath (const char *Type, char *Filename)
 Given a filename, construct the full path to the file. More...
void _RepUpdateTime (char *File)
 Update the last modified time of a file. More...
int _RepMkDirs (char *Fname)
 Same as command-line "mkdir -p". More...
int fo_RepRenameTmp (char *Type, char *Filename, char *Ext)
 Rename a temp file to a real file. More...
int fo_RepExist (char *Type, char *Filename)
 Determine if a file exists. More...
int fo_RepExist2 (char *Type, char *Filename)
 Determine if a file exists. More...
int fo_RepRemove (char *Type, char *Filename)
 Delete a repository file. More...
int fo_RepFclose (FILE *F)
 Perform an fclose. More...
FILE * fo_RepFread (char *Type, char *Filename)
 Perform an fopen for reading only. More...
FILE * fo_RepFwriteTmp (char *Type, char *Filename, char *Ext)
 Perform an fwrite. Also creates directories. More...
FILE * fo_RepFwrite (char *Type, char *Filename)
 Perform an fwrite. Also creates directories. More...
void fo_RepMunmap (RepMmapStruct *M)
 Perform a munmap. More...
RepMmapStructfo_RepMmapFile (char *Fname)
 Perform a mmap on a regular file name. More...
RepMmapStructfo_RepMmap (char *Type, char *Filename)
 Perform a mmap. More...
int fo_RepImport (char *Source, char *Type, char *Filename, int Link)
 Import a file into the repository. More...
void fo_RepClose ()
 Close and unmap the repository configuration file.
int fo_RepOpen ()
 wrapper function for agents. Simply call fo_RepOpenFull() passing in the default system configuration More...
int fo_RepOpenFull (fo_conf *config)
 Loads common information from configuration files into ram. More...
char * fo_RepValidate (fo_conf *config)
 validates the repository configuration information. More...


int RepDepth = 2
char RepPath [MAXLINE+1] = ""

Detailed Description

Repository access functions. All internal functions are prefixed by '_'.

Definition in file libfossrepo.c.

Function Documentation

int _RepCheckString ( char *  S)

Simple check to see if the string is valid.

This is an internal function.

Valid strings only contain alphanumerics, and "\@%_.=+-".
Used for types, hostnames, and filenames.

Sstring to check
1=valid, 0=invalid.

Definition at line 95 of file libfossrepo.c.

int _RepCheckType ( const char *  S)

Simple check to see if the string S is valid filename.

This is an internal function.

A valid name is composed of only alphanumerics, and "&%_=+-"
Used for types, hostnames, and filenames.
(Just like _RepCheckString, except dots are not allowed.)

Sstring to check
1=valid, 0=invalid.

Definition at line 73 of file libfossrepo.c.

char* _RepGetHost ( const char *  Type,
char *  Filename,
int  MatchNum 

Determine the host for the tree.

This is an internal only function.
TypeType of data.
FilenameFilename to match.
MatchNumUsed to identify WHICH match to return. (MatchNum permits fallback paths.)
Allocates and returns string with hostname or NULL.

Definition at line 170 of file libfossrepo.c.

int _RepMkDirs ( char *  Fname)

Same as command-line "mkdir -p".

Internal only.
0 on success, 1 on failure.

Definition at line 420 of file libfossrepo.c.

void _RepUpdateTime ( char *  File)

Update the last modified time of a file.

Every file access (read/write) should update the timestamp on the file. This allows us to determine when files are stale.

Internal only function.
Filefile name

Definition at line 406 of file libfossrepo.c.

int fo_RepExist ( char *  Type,
char *  Filename 

Determine if a file exists.

TypeType of data.
FilenameThe file in question
1=exists, 0=not exists, -1 on error.
Test with standalone:
1 ./repexist files 00000cb69c3c9c9fd15cadbf4652bd1552c349de.6caae94bdb579d7c9ada36726cf2e97f.776

Definition at line 498 of file libfossrepo.c.

int fo_RepExist2 ( char *  Type,
char *  Filename 

Determine if a file exists.

If it does not exist, return an error code (errno). This is a replacement for fo_RepExist().

Typeis the type of data.
0=exists, errno=not exists, -1 = internal errors. A message is also written to stderr for internal errors (bad inputs, etc).
Test with standalone:
1 ./repexist files 00000cb69c3c9c9fd15cadbf4652bd1552c349de.6caae94bdb579d7c9ada36726cf2e97f.776

Definition at line 543 of file libfossrepo.c.

int fo_RepFclose ( FILE *  F)

Perform an fclose.

FFile handler
0 if success. On error, EOF is returned and global errno is set.

Definition at line 613 of file libfossrepo.c.

FILE* fo_RepFread ( char *  Type,
char *  Filename 

Perform an fopen for reading only.

TypeType of data.
FilenameFile to open.
FILE pointer, or NULL if file does not exist.

Definition at line 625 of file libfossrepo.c.

FILE* fo_RepFwrite ( char *  Type,
char *  Filename 

Perform an fwrite. Also creates directories.

Same as fo_RepFwriteTmp() but without ext.

TypeType of data.
FilenameFile to write
FILE pointer, or NULL if it fails.

Definition at line 722 of file libfossrepo.c.

FILE* fo_RepFwriteTmp ( char *  Type,
char *  Filename,
char *  Ext 

Perform an fwrite. Also creates directories.

TypeType of data.
FilenameFile to write to
ExtAn optional extension (for making temporary files).
FILE pointer, or NULL if it fails.

Definition at line 660 of file libfossrepo.c.

char* fo_RepGetHost ( char *  Type,
char *  Filename 

Determine the host for a filename.

TypeType of data.
FilenameFilename to match.
Allocates and returns string with hostname or NULL.
Test with standalone:
1 ./rephost files 00000cb69c3c9c9fd15cadbf4652bd1552c349de.6caae94bdb579d7c9ada36726cf2e97f.776

Definition at line 233 of file libfossrepo.c.

char* fo_RepGetRepPath ( )

Determine the path for the repository's root.

The RepPath is where all the repository mounts are located. The path should NOT end with a "/".

Allocates and returns string with the repo root path, or NULL.

Definition at line 114 of file libfossrepo.c.

int fo_RepHostExist ( char *  Type,
char *  Host 

Determine if a host exists.

TypeThis is the repo type (files, gold, ununpack, ...)
HostHost to check
1=exists, 0=not exists, -1 on error.

Definition at line 132 of file libfossrepo.c.

int fo_RepImport ( char *  Source,
char *  Type,
char *  Filename,
int  Link 

Import a file into the repository.

This is a REALLY FAST copy.

SourceSource filename
TypeType of data.
FilenameThe destination filename
Linktrue if this should be a hardlink instead of a copy
0=success, !0 for error.

Definition at line 824 of file libfossrepo.c.

char* fo_RepMkPath ( const char *  Type,
char *  Filename 

Given a filename, construct the full path to the file.

TypeType of data.

This does NOT make the actual file or modify the file system!

Caller must free the string!
This scans for alternate file locations, in case the file exists.
Allocates and returns a string.

Definition at line 364 of file libfossrepo.c.

char* fo_RepMkPathTmp ( const char *  Type,
char *  Filename,
char *  Ext,
int  Which 

Given a filename, construct the full path to the file.

TypeType of data.
FilenameFilename to construct
ExtAn optional extension (for making temporary files).
WhichUsed to identify WHICH match to return.

This does NOT make the actual file or modify the file system!

Caller must free the string!
Test with standalone:
1 ./reppath files 00000cb69c3c9c9fd15cadbf4652bd1552c349de.6caae94bdb579d7c9ada36726cf2e97f.776
Allocates and returns a string or NULL on error.

Definition at line 256 of file libfossrepo.c.

RepMmapStruct* fo_RepMmap ( char *  Type,
char *  Filename 

Perform a mmap.

TypeType of data.
FilenameThe filename to match.
An allocated struct RepMmap.
This only works for READ-ONLY files!

Definition at line 798 of file libfossrepo.c.

RepMmapStruct* fo_RepMmapFile ( char *  Fname)

Perform a mmap on a regular file name.

filled RepMmapStruc, or NULL on error.

Definition at line 746 of file libfossrepo.c.

void fo_RepMunmap ( RepMmapStruct M)

Perform a munmap.

This frees the struct RepMmap.

MRepMmapStruct pointer

Definition at line 733 of file libfossrepo.c.

int fo_RepOpen ( )

wrapper function for agents. Simply call fo_RepOpenFull() passing in the default system configuration

1 on opened, 0 on failed.

Definition at line 920 of file libfossrepo.c.

int fo_RepOpenFull ( fo_conf config)

Loads common information from configuration files into ram.

configThe configuration to use
1 on opened, 0 on failed.

Definition at line 932 of file libfossrepo.c.

int fo_RepRemove ( char *  Type,
char *  Filename 

Delete a repository file.

TypeType of data.
FilenameFile to be deleted.
0=deleted, !0=error from unlink().
This will LEAVE empty directories!

Definition at line 580 of file libfossrepo.c.

int fo_RepRenameTmp ( char *  Type,
char *  Filename,
char *  Ext 

Rename a temp file to a real file.

TypeType of data.
FilenameFile to be renamed
ExtAn optional extension (for making temporary files).
0 on succes, !0 on error.

Definition at line 466 of file libfossrepo.c.

char* fo_RepValidate ( fo_conf config)

validates the repository configuration information.

Checks that the repository entries in fossology.conf are correct. If this function does not return NULL, then the caller owns the return value.

configthe configuration information
nothing if correct, the offending line if there was an error

Definition at line 989 of file libfossrepo.c.