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Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
Files | |
file | dbmigrate_1.4-2.0.php [code] |
This file is called by fossinit.php to create and initialize new ARS tables when migrating from a 1.4 database to 2.0. | |
file | dbmigrate_2.0-2.1.php [code] |
This file is called by fossinit.php to migrate from a 2.0 database to 2.1. | |
file | dbmigrate_2.0-2.5-pre.php [code] |
This file is called by fo-postinstall, 2.0 database to 2.5. | |
file | dbmigrate_2.1-2.2.php [code] |
This file is called by fossinit.php to migrate from a 2.1 database to 2.2. Specifically, this is to create new groups, group_user_member, perm_upload and perm_folder records to support 2.2 permissions. | |
file | dbmigrate_2.5-2.6.php [code] |
This file is called by fossinit.php to migrate from a 2.5 database to 2.6. Specifically, this is to set active group for current users, insert clearing decisions from license_file_audit table to support 2.6 decisions. | |
file | dbmigrate_3.3-3.4.php [code] |
Migrate DB from release 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 with new constraints. | |
file | dbmigrate_3.5-3.6.php [code] |
Migrate DB from release 3.5.0 to 3.6.0 with new column for decision tables. | |
file | dbmigrate_3.6-3.7.php [code] |
Migrate DB from release 3.6.0 to 3.7.0 with new obligation fixes. | |
file | dbmigrate_3.7-3.8.php [code] |
Migrate DB from release 3.7.0 to 3.8.0. | |
file | dbmigrate_bulk_license.php [code] |
This file is called by fossinit.php to transform bulk licenses into bulk license sets and drop rf_fk column from license_ref_bulk It migrates from to 3.0.0. | |
file | dbmigrate_clearing-event.php [code] |
This file is called by fossinit.php to ensure that every user had chosen an active group, link decisions with groups, fill clearing event table with old decisions and link them with decisions It migrates from 2.6 to 2.6.3. | |
file | dbmigrate_copyright-author.php [code] |
Reinsert the old email/url/author to new author table and delete the same from copyright table. It migrates from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0. | |
file | dbmigrate_multiple_copyright_decisions.php [code] |
Add a new column is_enabled to decisions. This is by default false except for the most recent decision which is active It migrates from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0. | |
file | dbmigrate_real-parent.php [code] |
Add link to real parent in uploadtree table It migrates from 2.6.2 to 3.0.0. | |
file | export_license_ref.php [code] |
export license_ref into licenseref.sql Added in 2.2.0 0: sucess; 1: failed | |
file | fo_mapping_license.php [code] |
Replase the old license shortname with new license shortname. | |
file | migratetest.php [code] |
Test migration function. | |
file | resequence_author_table.php [code] |
file | sanity_check.php [code] |