FOSSology  3.2.0rc1
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
liccache.c File Reference

license_ref table cache functions More...

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FUNCTION long lrcache_hash (cacheroot_t *pcroot, char *rf_shortname)
 Calculate the hash of an rf_shortname rf_shortname is the key. More...
FUNCTION void lrcache_print (cacheroot_t *pcroot)
 Print the contents of the hash table. More...
FUNCTION void lrcache_free (cacheroot_t *pcroot)
 Free the hash table. More...
FUNCTION int lrcache_add (cacheroot_t *pcroot, long rf_pk, char *rf_shortname)
 Add a rf_shortname, rf_pk to the license_ref cache rf_shortname is the key. More...
FUNCTION long lrcache_lookup (cacheroot_t *pcroot, char *rf_shortname)
 Lookup rf_pk in the license_ref cache rf_shortname is the key. More...
FUNCTION int lrcache_init (PGconn *pgConn, cacheroot_t *pcroot)
 Build a cache the license ref db table. More...
FUNCTION long get_rfpk (PGconn *pgConn, cacheroot_t *pcroot, char *rf_shortname)
 Get the rf_pk for rf_shortname. More...
FUNCTION long add2license_ref (PGconn *pgConn, char *licenseName)

Detailed Description

license_ref table cache functions

This cache is an in memory hash table of the license_ref license names and primary keys.

Definition in file liccache.c.

Function Documentation

FUNCTION long add2license_ref ( PGconn *  pgConn,
char *  licenseName 

Adds a new license to license_ref table

pgConnDatabase connection
licenseNameName of license to be added
rf_pk for success, 0 for failure

Definition at line 257 of file liccache.c.

FUNCTION long get_rfpk ( PGconn *  pgConn,
cacheroot_t pcroot,
char *  rf_shortname 

Get the rf_pk for rf_shortname.

Checks the cache to get the rf_pk for this shortname. If it doesn't exist, add it to both license_ref and the license_ref cache (the hash table).

pgConnDatabase connection
pcrootHash table to be looked
rf_shortnameShort name to search
rf_pk of the matched license or 0

Definition at line 224 of file liccache.c.

FUNCTION int lrcache_add ( cacheroot_t pcroot,
long  rf_pk,
char *  rf_shortname 

Add a rf_shortname, rf_pk to the license_ref cache rf_shortname is the key.

pcrootHash table to be modified
rf_pkLicense id to be added
rf_shortnameLicense short name to be added
-1 for failure, 0 for success

Definition at line 110 of file liccache.c.

FUNCTION void lrcache_free ( cacheroot_t pcroot)

Free the hash table.

pcrootHash table to be destroyed

Definition at line 83 of file liccache.c.

FUNCTION long lrcache_hash ( cacheroot_t pcroot,
char *  rf_shortname 

Calculate the hash of an rf_shortname rf_shortname is the key.

pcrootHash table root
rf_shortnameLicense short name
Hash value

Definition at line 37 of file liccache.c.

FUNCTION int lrcache_init ( PGconn *  pgConn,
cacheroot_t pcroot 

Build a cache the license ref db table.

[in]pgConnDatabase connection
[out]pcrootHash table

lrcache_init builds a cache using the rf_shortname as the key and the rf_pk as the value. This is an optimization. The cache is used for reference license lookups instead of querying the db.

0 for failure, 1 for success

Definition at line 185 of file liccache.c.

FUNCTION long lrcache_lookup ( cacheroot_t pcroot,
char *  rf_shortname 

Lookup rf_pk in the license_ref cache rf_shortname is the key.

pcrootHash table (haystack)
rf_shortnameShort name to be searched (needle)
rf_pk, 0 if the shortname is not in the cache

Definition at line 146 of file liccache.c.

FUNCTION void lrcache_print ( cacheroot_t pcroot)

Print the contents of the hash table.

pcrootHash table to be printed

Definition at line 57 of file liccache.c.