FOSSology  3.2.0rc1
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 Nfofo namespace holds the FOSSology library functions
 NFossologyNamespace used by reuser agent
 Cadmin_folder_deleteUI plugin to delete folders
 Cadmin_schedulerThis is a class for operations on the scheduler from GUI
 Cagent_copyright_onceOne-Shot plugin for Copyright/Email/URL Analysis
 Cagent_demomodUI plugin for demomod (handle user requests)
 Cagent_nomos_onceClass to run one-shot nomos
 Cagent_wget_agentUI plugin for WGET_AGENT
 Cajax_filelicFind uploadtree_pk for a given license
 Cajax_upload_agentsList all agents that can be scheduled for a given upload
 CBuildMake fossology, check for warnings and errors
 CCksumStore check sum of a file
 CCksumFileStore file handler and mmap of a file
 CCliOptionsStore the options sent through the CLI
 CcliParamsTest4MimetypeTest mimetype agent from cli
 CcliParamsTest4UnunpackTest the ununpack agent cli parameters. (Normal)
 CcliParamsTest4UnunpackExcptionTest the ununpack agent cli parameters. (Exceptions)
 CcmdlistCommand table's single row
 CCommonCliTestTests for common CLI operations
 CContainerInfoStructure for storing information about a particular file
 CCopyrightAgentPluginCreate UI plugin for copyright agent
 CCopyrightDatabaseHandlerManages database related requests for agent
 CCopyrightHistogramCreate histogram plugin for copyright
 CCopyrightHistogramProcessPostHandles Ajax requests for copyright
 CCopyrightScheduledTestUnit test cases for copyright agent using scheduler
 CCopyrightStateHolds information about state of one agent
 Ccore_debugPlugin for core debug
 Ccore_debug_filelocPlugin to display global variables
 Ccore_debug_menusPlugin to debug menus
 CcurScanStruct that tracks state related to current file being scanned
 CDatabaseEntryMaps agent data to database schema
 CdebpkginfoHolds meta info of Debian packages
 Cdebug_flush_cachePlugin to flush all cached pages
 Cdebug_userPlugin to print debug information about current user
 CDeciderAgentPluginUI plugin for DeciderAgent
 CdirlistDirectory linked list
 CEccAgentPluginCreate UI plugin for ECC agent
 CEccHistogramCreate UI plugin for ecc agent
 Cfo_libschemaClass to handle database schema
 CFO_PluginThis is the Plugin class. All plugins should:
 CfoconfigDisplay and set FOSSology configuration
 CFoIntegrationBase class for fossology integration
 CFoLibCPPTestTest cases for CPP DB Manager
 CFoUnifiedReportGeneratorUnified report generator UI plugin
 Cft_cliDelagentTestTest the delagent agent thru command line
 Cft_cliPkgagentTestTest cli parameter i and v and rpm file and no parameters
 Cft_DelagentTestTest delagent cli
 CglobalsStructure holding data truly global in that it remains consistent for each file scanned
 Cgroup_addAdd a new group
 Cgroup_manageEdit group user permissions
 Cgroup_manageEdit group user permissions
 CgroupFuncTestsRun the simpletest FOSSology functional tests
 ChCopyrightScannerImplementation of scanner class for copyright
 CHistogramBaseBase class for histogram plugins
 Cjob_tThe job structure
 ClistList_t type structure used to keep various lists. (e.g. there are multiple lists)
 ClistitemTricky data structure used for a list of 'items'
 CmaintagentQueue the maintenance agent with the requested parameters
 CmatchStore the results of a regex match
 CmenuCode for creating a menu list (2D linked list) from a set of plugins
 CMimetypeAgentPluginUI plugin for mimetype agent
 CNomosAgentPluginUI plugin for NOMOS
 CNomosFunTestRuns regression test on NOMOS
 CObligationsToLicensesHandles license obligations
 COjoCliOptionsStore the options sent through the CLI
 CojomatchStore the results of a regex match
 COjoScheduledTestFunctional test cases for ojo agent using scheduler
 COjoStateStore the state of the agent
 COneShotafferoTestPerform a one-shot license analysis on a affero 2 and 3 licenses
 COneShotbsdTestPerform a one-shot license analysis on a file (include bsd license)
 COneShotemptyTestRun a one-shot license test on an empty file
 COneShotgpl3TestPerform a one-shot analysis on GPL_v3 license
 COneShotgplv21TestRun one-shot license analysis on LGPL_v2.1 license
 COneShotJSONRun one-shot license analysis on JSON license
 COneShotMultiFileTestPerform a one-shot license analysis on multiple files
 COneShotnoneTestPerform a one-shot license analysis on a file with no license
 COneShotOracleBerkeleyDBPerform a one-shot license analysis on Oracle-Berkeley-DB and sleepycat license
 CoverlappingMatchHelper to check overlapping results
 CpermlistStructure to hold permission about an inode
 CPkgAgentPluginUI plugin of pkgagent
 CReadmeOssAgentReadme_OSS agent generates list of licenses and copyrights found in an upload
 CReadMeOssAgentPluginGenerate report for multiple uploads at browse mod
 CReadMeOssPluginAgent plugin for Readme_OSS agent
 Cregex_file_structREGEX-FILE bucket type
 CRegexConfProviderProvide regex using conf file
 CregexScannerProvides a regex scanner using predefined regexs
 CregexTestTest fixture to test regex accuracy
 CReportStaticHandles static part of report
 CReportSummaryHandles report summary
 CreqcolsData type used to check if the database is correct
 CrpmpkginfoHolds meta info of rpm packages
 CRunTestClass for making an agent unit or functional test
 CscannerAbstract class to provide interface to scanners
 CSoftwareHeritageThe software heritage agent
 CSoftwareHeritageAgentPluginCreate UI plugin for Software Heritage agent
 Ctest_cp2fossTest cli cp2foss
 Ctest_fo_nomos_license_listTest cli fo_nomos_license_list
 Ctest_fossjobsTest cli fossjobs
 Ctest_oneshotTest for one-shot nomos/copyright
 CTestDataCheckUnit test driver
 Cui_demomodBrowse an upload and display the demomod data (first bytes of the file)
 Cui_downloadDownlad file(s)
 Cui_nomos_diffCompare License Browser, list license histogram
 Cui_reunpackScheduler an reunpack
 Cui_topnavTop navigater logo on UI
 CUnifiedReportGenerates unified report
 CUnifiedReportAgentPluginGenerate unified report for multiple uploads
 CUnpackAgentPluginUI for ununpack agent to schedule a job
 CunpackqueueQueue for files to be unpacked
 CuploadtreeContains information required by uploadtree elements
 Cuser_delDelete a user