![]() |
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
►Nfo | fo namespace holds the FOSSology library functions |
►NFossology | Namespace used by reuser agent |
►NFunctional | |
►Nlib_projxml | |
Cacme_review | |
CAddUserTest | |
CAdj2nestAgentPlugin | |
Cadmin_bucket_pool | |
Cadmin_folder_delete | UI plugin to delete folders |
Cadmin_license_file | |
Cadmin_obligation_file | |
Cadmin_scheduler | This is a class for operations on the scheduler from GUI |
Cadmin_tag | |
Cadmin_tag_manage | |
CAdminContentDelete | |
CAdminContentMove | |
Cagent_copyright_once | One-Shot plugin for Copyright/Email/URL Analysis |
Cagent_demomod | UI plugin for demomod (handle user requests) |
Cagent_info | |
Cagent_nomos_once | Class to run one-shot nomos |
Cagent_spawn_args | |
Cagent_t | |
Cagent_wget_agent | UI plugin for WGET_AGENT |
CAgentAdder | |
Cajax_filebucket | |
Cajax_filelic | Find uploadtree_pk for a given license |
Cajax_schedule_agent | |
Cajax_tags | |
Cajax_upload_agents | List all agents that can be scheduled for a given upload |
CAjaxClearingView | |
CAjaxSHDetailsBrowser | |
CAjaxUploadAgents | |
Carg_int | |
CBasicFolderTest | |
CbrowseUPloadedTest | |
CBucketAgentPlugin | |
Cbucketdef_struct | |
Cbucketpool_struct | |
CBuild | Make fossology, check for warnings and errors |
CBulkAction | |
CBulkArguments | |
Ccachenode | |
Ccacheroot | |
CChangeLicenseBulk | |
CchangeLicenseProcessPost | |
Ccheck4jobs | |
CCksum | Store check sum of a file |
CCksumFile | Store file handler and mmap of a file |
CcleanupRF | |
CcleanupTestData | |
CClearingView | |
Ccli1Test | |
CCliOptions | Store the options sent through the CLI |
CcliParamsTest4Mimetype | Test mimetype agent from cli |
CcliParamsTest4Ununpack | Test the ununpack agent cli parameters. (Normal) |
CcliParamsTest4UnunpackExcption | Test the ununpack agent cli parameters. (Exceptions) |
CcliParamsTest4Wget | |
Ccmdlist | Command table's single row |
CCommonCliTest | Tests for common CLI operations |
CConfigSys | |
CContainerInfo | Structure for storing information about a particular file |
Ccopyright_list | |
CCopyrightAgentPlugin | Create UI plugin for copyright agent |
►CCopyrightDatabaseHandler | Manages database related requests for agent |
CCopyrightHistogram | Create histogram plugin for copyright |
CCopyrightHistogramProcessPost | Handles Ajax requests for copyright |
CCopyrightScheduledTest | Unit test cases for copyright agent using scheduler |
CCopyrightState | Holds information about state of one agent |
Ccore_auth | |
Ccore_debug | Plugin for core debug |
Ccore_debug_fileloc | Plugin to display global variables |
Ccore_debug_menus | Plugin to debug menus |
Ccore_init | |
Ccore_smauth | |
Ccore_uploads | |
CCreateDeleteFldrTest | |
CCreateFolderTest | |
CcreateSuiUsers | |
CcreateUIUsers | |
CcurScan | Struct that tracks state related to current file being scanned |
Cdashboard | |
CdashboardReporting | |
CDatabaseEntry | Maps agent data to database schema |
Cdb | |
Cdebpkginfo | Holds meta info of Debian packages |
Cdebug_flush_cache | Plugin to flush all cached pages |
Cdebug_user | Plugin to print debug information about current user |
CDeciderAgentPlugin | UI plugin for DeciderAgent |
CDeleteFolderTest | |
CDiffMatchInfo | |
CDiffPoint | |
CDiffResult | |
Cdirlist | Directory linked list |
CdomParseLicenseTbl | |
CDupFolderTest | |
CDupUploadTest | |
CDupUserTest | |
CEccAgentPlugin | Create UI plugin for ECC agent |
CEccHistogram | Create UI plugin for ecc agent |
CEditFolderDescriptionOnlyTest | |
CEditFolderNameOnlyTest | |
CEditFolderTest | |
Cemail_replace_args | |
CEmailHistogram | |
CEmailUserTest | |
Cevent_loop | |
Cevent_t | |
CexportLicenseRef | |
CFile | |
CFileResult_struct | |
Cfo_conf | |
Cfo_dbManager | |
Cfo_dbmanager | |
Cfo_dbManager_PreparedStatement | |
Cfo_dbmanager_preparedstatement | |
Cfo_libschema | Class to handle database schema |
CFO_Plugin | This is the Plugin class. All plugins should: |
Cfoconfig | Display and set FOSSology configuration |
CFoIntegration | Base class for fossology integration |
Cfolder_create | |
Cfolder_properties | |
CFoldersCreateMenuTest | |
CFoldersDeleteMenuTest | |
CFoldersEditMenuTest | |
CFoldersMoveMenuTest | |
CFoLibCPPTest | Test cases for CPP DB Manager |
CfossologyTest | |
CfossologyTestCase | |
CFossologyUnicodeClean | |
CFoUnifiedReportGenerator | Unified report generator UI plugin |
CFreshmeatRdfs | |
Cft_cliDelagentTest | Test the delagent agent thru command line |
Cft_cliPkgagentTest | Test cli parameter i and v and rpm file and no parameters |
Cft_DelagentTest | Test delagent cli |
CGetFreshMeatRdf | |
Cglobals | Structure holding data truly global in that it remains consistent for each file scanned |
CGpClassTestSuite | |
Cgroup_add | Add a new group |
Cgroup_manage | Edit group user permissions |
Cgroup_manage | Edit group user permissions |
CgroupFuncTests | Run the simpletest FOSSology functional tests |
ChCopyrightScanner | Implementation of scanner class for copyright |
CHistogramBase | Base class for histogram plugins |
Chost_t | |
Cinterface_connection | |
Cjob_t | The job structure |
CJUnitXMLReporter | |
CKeywordAgentPlugin | |
CKeywordHistogram | |
CLicenceAndMatchPositions | |
CLicense | |
Clicense | |
CLicenseListFiles | |
CLicenseMatch | |
CLicenses | |
ClicenseSpec | |
Clicensetext | |
Clist | List_t type structure used to keep various lists. (e.g. there are multiple lists) |
Clist_bucket_files | |
Clistitem | Tricky data structure used for a list of 'items' |
Clog_event_args | |
Clog_t | |
Cmaintagent | Queue the maintenance agent with the requested parameters |
CMatch | |
Cmatch | Store the results of a regex match |
CMatchCallbacks | |
CMatchPositionAndType | |
Cmenu | Code for creating a menu list (2D linked list) from a set of plugins |
Cmeta_agent_t | |
CMimetypeAgentPlugin | UI plugin for mimetype agent |
Cmm_cache | |
CMonkAgentPlugin | |
CMonkBulkAgentPlugin | |
CMonkBulkTest | |
CMonkCliTest | |
CMonkScheduledTest | |
CMonkState | |
CMoveFolderTest | |
CmyFirstTest | |
CNinkaDatabaseHandler | |
CNinkaScheduledTest | |
CNinkaWrapperTest | |
CnoEmailUserTest | |
CNomosAgentPlugin | UI plugin for NOMOS |
CNomosFunTest | Runs regression test on NOMOS |
CObligationsToLicenses | Handles license obligations |
COjoAgent | |
COjoCliOptions | Store the options sent through the CLI |
COjoDatabaseEntry | |
Cojomatch | Store the results of a regex match |
COjoScheduledTest | Functional test cases for ojo agent using scheduler |
COjosDatabaseHandler | |
COjoState | Store the state of the agent |
COneShotafferoTest | Perform a one-shot license analysis on a affero 2 and 3 licenses |
COneShotbsdTest | Perform a one-shot license analysis on a file (include bsd license) |
COneShotemptyTest | Run a one-shot license test on an empty file |
COneShotgpl3Test | Perform a one-shot analysis on GPL_v3 license |
COneShotgplv21Test | Run one-shot license analysis on LGPL_v2.1 license |
COneShotJSON | Run one-shot license analysis on JSON license |
COneShotMultiFileTest | Perform a one-shot license analysis on multiple files |
COneShotnoneTest | Perform a one-shot license analysis on a file with no license |
COneShotOracleBerkeleyDB | Perform a one-shot license analysis on Oracle-Berkeley-DB and sleepycat license |
COneShotTablegplv21Test | |
CoverlappingMatch | Helper to check overlapping results |
Cpackage_struct | |
CPairPosOff | |
Cparam | |
CParentInfo | |
CparseBrowseMenu | |
CparseFolderPath | |
CparseLicenseGrpTbl | |
CparseLicenseTbl | |
CparseLicenseTblDirs | |
CparseMiniMenu | |
CparsePgLinks | |
Cpermlist | Structure to hold permission about an inode |
CPkgAgentPlugin | UI plugin of pkgagent |
Cpoint | |
CPopupLicense | |
CReadInputFile | |
CReadmeOssAgent | Readme_OSS agent generates list of licenses and copyrights found in an upload |
CReadMeOssAgentPlugin | Generate report for multiple uploads at browse mod |
CReadMeOssPlugin | Agent plugin for Readme_OSS agent |
Cregex_file_struct | REGEX-FILE bucket type |
CRegexConfProvider | Provide regex using conf file |
CregexConfProviderTestSuite | |
CregexScanner | Provides a regex scanner using predefined regexs |
CregexTest | Test fixture to test regex accuracy |
CRepMmapStruct | |
CReportImportAgentPlugin | |
CReportImportPlugin | |
CReportStatic | Handles static part of report |
CReportSummary | Handles report summary |
Creqcols | Data type used to check if the database is correct |
CrhelTest | |
Crpmpkginfo | Holds meta info of rpm packages |
CrunMyTest | |
CRunTest | Class for making an agent unit or functional test |
CSanityChecker | |
Cscanner | Abstract class to provide interface to scanners |
CscannerTestSuite | |
CscanResults | |
Cscheduler_t | |
Csearch | |
CSearchMenuTest | |
CsearchString | |
CSerializingMeta | |
Cshowjobs | |
CSoftwareHeritage | The software heritage agent |
CsoftwareHeritageAgentPlugin | |
CSoftwareHeritageAgentPlugin | Create UI plugin for Software Heritage agent |
CsomeTest | |
CsqlCopy_struct | |
CStartUpTest | |
CState | |
Ctest_common_active | |
Ctest_common_auth | |
Ctest_common_cache | |
Ctest_common_cached | |
Ctest_common_cli | |
Ctest_common_dir | |
Ctest_common_license_file | |
Ctest_common_menu | |
Ctest_common_parm | |
Ctest_common_pkg | |
Ctest_common_sysconfig | |
Ctest_common_ui | |
Ctest_cp2foss | Test cli cp2foss |
Ctest_fo_copyright_list | |
Ctest_fo_nomos_license_list | Test cli fo_nomos_license_list |
Ctest_fossjobs | Test cli fossjobs |
Ctest_oneshot | Test for one-shot nomos/copyright |
Ctest_showjobs | |
CTestAboutMenu | |
CTestCLib | |
CTestCLInputCP2foss | |
CTestCP2fossRecursion | |
CTestCreateFolder | |
CTestDashD | |
CTestDataCheck | Unit test driver |
CTestDbFactory | |
CTestDupFolders | |
CTestFreshmeatRdfs | |
CTestOrganizeFolders | |
CTestReadinFile | |
CTestRepoLogin | |
CTestReport | |
CTestRun | |
CTestToolsMenu | |
Ctimer | |
CToken | |
Cui_browse | |
Cui_buckets | |
Cui_demomod | Browse an upload and display the demomod data (first bytes of the file) |
Cui_diff_buckets | |
Cui_download | Downlad file(s) |
Cui_file_browse | |
Cui_nomos_diff | Compare License Browser, list license histogram |
Cui_picker | |
Cui_picker_Test | |
Cui_refresh | |
Cui_report_conf | |
Cui_reunpack | Scheduler an reunpack |
Cui_tag | |
Cui_topnav | Top navigater logo on UI |
Cui_treenav | |
Cui_view | |
Cui_view_info | |
CUIExportList | |
CUnifiedReport | Generates unified report |
CUnifiedReportAgentPlugin | Generate unified report for multiple uploads |
CUnpackAgentPlugin | UI for ununpack agent to schedule a job |
Cunpackqueue | Queue for files to be unpacked |
Cupload_properties | |
Cupload_tagging | |
CUploadFileMenuTest | |
CUploadFileTest | |
CUploadInstructions | |
CUploadInstructMenuTest | |
CUploadOneShotMenuTest | |
CUploadPermissionPage | |
CUploadsDeleteMenuTest | |
CUploadServerMenuTest | |
CUploadsMoveMenuTest | |
CuploadSrvDirTest | |
CuploadSrvFileTest | |
CUploadSrvTest | |
CuploadsTest | |
CuploadTestDataTest | |
Cuploadtree | Contains information required by uploadtree elements |
Cuploadtree_struct | |
CuploadUnpack | |
CUploadUrlMenuTest | |
CUploadUrlTest | |
CuploadWEMailTest | |
CuploadWoutEMailTest | |
Cuser_add | |
Cuser_del | Delete a user |
CuserEditAnyTest | |
CUserEditPage | |
Cverify23D1F1L | |
CverifyDirsOnly | |
CverifyFossolyTest | |
CverifySimpletest | |
CverifyUploadsTest | |
CzendTest |