FOSSology  3.2.0rc1
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
cpp Directory Reference

Contains FOSSology CPP library.


Directory dependency graph for cpp:


directory  tests
 Unit test cases for CPP library.


file [code]
 Utility functions for file handling.
file  files.hpp [code]
 Utility functions for file handling.
file [code]
 DB utility functions for agents.
file  libfossAgentDatabaseHandler.hpp [code]
 DB utility functions for agents.
file [code]
 DB wrapper for agents.
file  libfossdbmanagerclass.hpp [code]
 DB wrapper for agents.
file [code]
 Wrapper for DB result.
file  libfossdbQueryResult.hpp [code]
 Wrapper for DB result.
file  libfossologyCPP.hpp [code]
 The main FOSSology CPP library.
file [code]
 General utility functions for CPP.
file  libfossUtils.hpp [code]
 General utility functions for CPP.
file  uniquePtr.hpp [code]
 Defined which unique to be used by creating new unptr namespace.

Detailed Description

Contains FOSSology CPP library.