49 extern char SQL[MAXSQL];
int Quiet
Run in quiet mode?
int TotalFiles
Number of regular files.
SQL query to execute.
Queue for files to be unpacked.
unpackqueue Queue[MAXCHILD+1]
Manage children.
int Thread
Number of threads in execution.
int TotalCompressedFiles
Number of compressed files.
char * Pfile
Pfile name (SHA1.MD5.Size)
FILE * ListOutFile
File to store unpack list.
char * Pfile_Pk
Pfile pk in DB.
int TotalArtifacts
Number of artifacts.
int Verbose
Global verbose level.
int IgnoreSCMData
1: Ignore SCMÂ data, 0: dont ignore it.
char UploadFileName[FILENAME_MAX]
Upload file name.
char uploadtree_tablename[19]
cmdlist CMD[]
Global command table.
Command table's single row.
int ReunpackSwitch
Set if the uploadtree records are missing from db.
magic_t MagicCookie
Magic Cookie.
int ForceDuplicate
When using db, should it process duplicates?
int UseRepository
Using files from the repository?
int PruneFiles
Remove links? >1 hard links, zero files, etc.
int TotalContainers
Number of containers.
int UnlinkSource
Remove recursive sources after unpacking?
PGconn * pgConn
DB connection.
char * Upload_Pk
Upload pk in DB.
char REP_FILES[16]
Files repository name.
char REP_GOLD[16]
Gold repository name.
int TotalDirectories
Number of directories.
int MaxThread
Value between 1 and MAXCHILD.
int agent_pk
Agent pk in DB.
long TotalItems
Number of records inserted.
int UnlinkAll
Remove ALL unpacked files when done (clean up)?
int ForceContinue
Force continue when unpack tool fails?
int SetContainerArtifact
Should initial container be an artifact?