FOSSology  3.2.0rc1
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CFossology\Lib\Agent\AgentStructure of an Agent with all required parameters
 Cfo::AgentDatabaseHandlerDatabase handler for agents
 CFossology\Lib\BusinessRules\AgentLicenseEventProcessorHandle events related to license findings
 Cajax_upload_agentsList all agents that can be scheduled for a given upload
 CFossology\UI\Api\Models\AnalysisModel to hold analysis settings
 CCPPUNIT_NS::assertion_traits< LicenseMatch >
 CFossology\Lib\Auth\AuthContains the constants and helpers for authentication of user
 CFossology\UI\Api\Helper\AuthHelperProvides helper methods for REST api
 CFossology\Decider\BulkReuserPrepares bulk licenses for an upload and run DeciderJob on it
 CCksumStore check sum of a file
 CCksumFileStore file handler and mmap of a file
 CFossology\Lib\BusinessRules\ClearingDecisionFilterVarious utility functions to filter ClearingDecision
 CFossology\Lib\BusinessRules\ClearingDecisionProcessorUtility functions to process ClearingDecision
 CFossology\Lib\BusinessRules\ClearingEventProcessorFunctions to process clearing events
 CCliOptionsStore the options sent through the CLI
 CcmdlistCommand table's single row
 CCopyrightDatabaseHandler::ColumnDefHolds the column related data for table creation
 CContainerInfoStructure for storing information about a particular file
 CCopyrightStateHolds information about state of one agent
 CFossology\Lib\Application\CurlRequestHandle curl requests
 CcurScanStruct that tracks state related to current file being scanned
 CDatabaseEntryMaps agent data to database schema
 CFossology\UI\Api\Helper\DbHelperProvides helper methods to access database for REST api
 Cfo::DbManagerDB wrapper for agents
 Cfo::DbManagerStructDeleterDB manager deleter (for shared pointer)
 CdebpkginfoHolds meta info of Debian packages
 CFossology\UI\Api\Models\DeciderDecider model
 CFossology\DelAgent\UI\DeleteMessagesMessages which can be generated by delagent
 CFossology\DelAgent\UI\DeleteResponseHandle response from delagent
 CdirlistDirectory linked list
 Cfo::FileClass to handle file related operations
 Cfo_libschemaClass to handle database schema
 CFoIntegrationBase class for fossology integration
 CFossology\UI\Api\Middlewares\FossologyInitMiddlewareMiddleware to initialize FOSSology for Slim framework
 CglobalsStructure holding data truly global in that it remains consistent for each file scanned
 Cgroup_manageEdit group user permissions
 Cgroup_manageEdit group user permissions
 CFossology\UI\Api\Models\InfoInfo model to contain general error and return values
 CFossology\UI\Api\Models\InfoTypeDifferent type of infos provided by REST
 Cjob_tThe job structure
 CFossology\Lib\Application\LicenseCsvExportHelper class to export license list as a CSV from the DB
 CFossology\Lib\Application\LicenseCsvImportImport licenses from CSV
 CFossology\Lib\BusinessRules\LicenseMapWrapper class for license map
 ClistList_t type structure used to keep various lists. (e.g. there are multiple lists)
 ClistitemTricky data structure used for a list of 'items'
 CmatchStore the results of a regex match
 CmenuCode for creating a menu list (2D linked list) from a set of plugins
 CFossology\Lib\Application\ObligationCsvExportHelper class to export obligations as a CSV
 CFossology\Lib\Application\ObligationCsvImportHelper class for Obligation CSV Import
 CFossology\Lib\BusinessRules\ObligationMapWrapper class for obligation map
 CObligationsToLicensesHandles license obligations
 COjoCliOptionsStore the options sent through the CLI
 CojomatchStore the results of a regex match
 COjoStateStore the state of the agent
 CoverlappingMatchHelper to check overlapping results
 CpermlistStructure to hold permission about an inode
 Cfo::PGresultDeleterPGresult deleter (for shared pointer)
 Cfo::QueryResultWrapper for DB result
 Cregex_file_structREGEX-FILE bucket type
 CRegexConfProviderProvide regex using conf file
 CReportStaticHandles static part of report
 CReportSummaryHandles report summary
 CFossology\Lib\Application\RepositoryApiHelper class to get the latest release and commits from GitHub API
 CreqcolsData type used to check if the database is correct
 CFossology\UI\Api\Middlewares\RestAuthMiddlewareAuthentication middleware for Slim framework
 CFossology\UI\Api\Controllers\RestControllerBase controller for REST calls
 CFossology\UI\Api\Helper\RestHelperProvides various DAO helper functions for REST api
 CFossology\UI\Api\Models\ReuserModel to hold info required by Reuser agent
 CrpmpkginfoHolds meta info of rpm packages
 CRunTestClass for making an agent unit or functional test
 CscannerAbstract class to provide interface to scanners
 CFossology\UI\Api\Models\ScanOptionsModel to hold add settings for new scan
 CFossology\DeciderJob\Test\SchedulerTestRunnerInterface for scheduler. Called by test case
 CFossology\Decider\Test\SchedulerTestRunnerCreate dummy run interface
 CFossology\Report\Test\SchedulerTestRunnerScheduler run interface
 CFossology\Ojo\Test\SchedulerTestRunnerScheduler run interface
 CFossology\Reuser\Test\SchedulerTestRunnerScheduler run interface
 CFossology\SpdxTwo\Test\SchedulerTestRunnerScheduler run interface
 CFossology\Ojo\Test\SchedulerTestRunnerCliHandles scheduler interaction
 CFossology\UI\Api\Models\SearchResultModel to hold search results
 CSoftwareHeritageThe software heritage agent
 CSoftwareHeritageAgentPluginCreate UI plugin for Software Heritage agent
 CFossology\SpdxTwo\SpdxTwoUtilsUtilities for SPDX2
 CFunctional.testsuiteClass that handles running a test suite ####################################
 CFossology\Agent\Copyright\UI\TextFindingsAjaxHandles Ajax requests for text findings
 CunpackqueueQueue for files to be unpacked
 CFossology\UI\Api\Models\UploadModel class to hold Upload info
 CFossology\UI\Api\Helper\UploadHelperHandle new file uploads from Slim framework and move to FOSSology
 CFossology\UI\Api\Models\UploadSummaryModel class to hold Upload info
 CuploadtreeContains information required by uploadtree elements
 CFossology\UI\Api\Models\UserModel to hold user information
 CFossology\Lib\Application\UserInfoGet user info from session