Agent to decide license findings in an upload.
const | RULES_NOMOS_IN_MONK = 0x1 |
const | RULES_NOMOS_MONK_NINKA = 0x2 |
const | RULES_BULK_REUSE = 0x4 |
const | RULES_ALL = 0xf |
Agent to decide license findings in an upload.
Definition at line 75 of file DeciderAgent.php.
Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::areNomosMatchesInsideAMonkMatch |
( |
$licenseMatches | ) |
private |
Check if matches by nomos are inside monk findings.
- Parameters
LicenseMatch[] | $licenseMatches |
- Returns
- boolean True if matches are inside monk, false otherwise
Definition at line 380 of file DeciderAgent.php.
Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::areNomosMonkNinkaAgreed |
( |
$licenseMatches | ) |
protected |
Check if findings by all agents are same or not.
- Parameters
LicenseMatch[][] | $licenseMatches |
- Returns
- boolean True if they match, false otherwise
Definition at line 414 of file DeciderAgent.php.
Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::areOtherScannerFindingsAndOJOAgreed |
( |
$licenseMatches | ) |
protected |
Check if the finding by only contains one single license and that no other scanner (nomos) has produced a contradicting statement.
- Parameters
LicenseMatch[][] | $licenseMatches |
- Returns
- boolean True if they match, false otherwise
Definition at line 458 of file DeciderAgent.php.
Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::autodecideIfOjoMatchesNoContradiction |
( |
ItemTreeBounds |
$itemTreeBounds, |
$matches |
) |
| |
private |
Auto decide matches which are in nomos, monk and OJO findings.
Get the matches which really agree and apply the decisions.
- Parameters
ItemTreeBounds | $itemTreeBounds | ItemTreeBounds to apply decisions |
| LicenseMatch[] | $matches New license matches found |
- Returns
- boolean True if decisions applied, false otherwise
Definition at line 276 of file DeciderAgent.php.
Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::autodecideNomosMatchesInsideMonk |
( |
ItemTreeBounds |
$itemTreeBounds, |
$matches |
) |
| |
private |
Auto decide matches by nomos which are in monk findings.
Get the nomos matches which really are inside monk findings and apply the decisions.
- Parameters
ItemTreeBounds | $itemTreeBounds | ItemTreeBounds to apply decisions |
| LicenseMatch[] | $matches New license matches found |
- Returns
- boolean True if decisions applied, false otherwise
Definition at line 322 of file DeciderAgent.php.
Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::autodecideNomosMonkNinka |
( |
ItemTreeBounds |
$itemTreeBounds, |
$matches |
) |
| |
private |
Auto decide matches which are in nomos, monk and ninka findings.
Get the matches which really agree and apply the decisions.
- Parameters
ItemTreeBounds | $itemTreeBounds | ItemTreeBounds to apply decisions |
| LicenseMatch[] | $matches New license matches found |
- Returns
- boolean True if decisions applied, false otherwise
Definition at line 297 of file DeciderAgent.php.
Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::existsUnhandledMatch |
( |
$projectedScannerMatches, |
$licensesFromDecision |
) |
| |
private |
Check if matches contains unhandled match.
- Parameters
array | $projectedScannerMatches | |
| array[] | $licensesFromDecision |
- Returns
- boolean True if any unhandled match exists, false otherwise
Definition at line 258 of file DeciderAgent.php.
Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::getLicenseIdsOfMatchesForScanner |
( |
$scanner, |
$licenseMatches |
) |
| |
protected |
extracts the matches corresponding to a scanner from a $licenseMatches structure
- Parameters
$scanner | |
LicenseMatch[][] | $licenseMatches |
- Returns
- int[] list of license ids
Definition at line 442 of file DeciderAgent.php.
Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::isRegionIncluded |
( |
$small, |
$big |
) |
| |
private |
Check if the small highlight region is inside big one.
- Parameters
int[] | $small The smaller region, start at index 0, end at 1 |
int[] | $big The bigger region, start at index 0, end at 1 |
- Returns
- boolean True if region is inside, else false
Definition at line 370 of file DeciderAgent.php.
Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::processItem |
( |
Item |
$item | ) |
private |
Given an item, check with the $activeRules and apply rules to it.
Get an UploadTree item, get the previous matches, current matches. Mark new licenses as WIP. Check the $activeRules and apply them on the item
- Parameters
Item | $item | Item to be processes |
- Returns
- boolean True if operation resulted in success, false otherwise
Definition at line 196 of file DeciderAgent.php.
Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::processUploadId |
( |
$uploadId | ) |
Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::remapByProjectedId |
( |
$matches | ) |
protected |
Given a set of matches, remap according to project id instead of license id.
- Parameters
LicenseMatch[] | $matches Matches to be remaped |
- Returns
- array[][] Remaped matches
Definition at line 345 of file DeciderAgent.php.
int Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::$activeRules |
private |
Rules active for upload (nomos in monk; ninka in monk; nomos, ninka and monk)
Definition at line 87 of file DeciderAgent.php.
ClearingDao Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::$clearingDao |
private |
LicenseMap Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::$licenseMap = null |
private |
int Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::$licenseMapUsage = null |
private |
ShowJobsDao Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::$showJobsDao |
private |
UploadDao Fossology\Decider\DeciderAgent::$uploadDao |
private |
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