| __construct (DbManager $dbManager, UserDao $userDao, UploadDao $uploadDao) |
| hasTopLevelFolder () |
| insertFolder ($folderName, $folderDescription, $parentFolderId=self::TOP_LEVEL) |
| getFolderId ($folderName, $parentFolderId=self::TOP_LEVEL) |
| insertFolderContents ($parentId, $foldercontentsMode, $childId) |
| getRootFolder ($userId) |
| getFolderTreeCte ($parentId=null) |
| getFolderStructure ($parentId=null) |
| countFolderUploads ($parentId, $userGroupMap) |
| getAllFolderIds () |
| getFolderChildUploads ($parentId, $trustGroupId) |
| getFolderUploads ($parentId, $trustGroupId=null) |
| createFolder ($folderName, $folderDescription, $parentId) |
| ensureTopLevelFolder () |
| isWithoutReusableFolders ($folderStructure) |
| moveContent ($folderContentId, $newParentId) |
| copyContent ($folderContentId, $newParentId) |
| getRemovableContents ($folderId) |
| isRemovableContent ($childId, $mode) |
| removeContent ($folderContentId) |
| removeContentById ($uploadpk, $folderId) |
| getFolderChildFolders ($folderId) |
| getFolder ($folderId) |
| isFolderAccessible ($folderId, $userId=null) |
| getFolderContentsId ($childId) |
| getFolderParentId ($folderPk) |
const | FOLDER_KEY = "folder" |
const | DEPTH_KEY = "depth" |
const | REUSE_KEY = 'reuse' |
const | TOP_LEVEL = 1 |
const | MODE_FOLDER = 1 |
const | MODE_UPLOAD = 2 |
const | MODE_ITEM = 4 |
| fixFolderSequence () |
| isInFolderTree ($parentId, $folderId) |
| getContent ($folderContentId) |
| isContentMovable ($content, $newParentId) |
| $dbManager |
| $userDao |
| $uploadDao |
| $logger |
Definition at line 28 of file FolderDao.php.
Fossology\Lib\Dao\FolderDao::countFolderUploads |
( |
$parentId, |
$userGroupMap |
) |
| |
- Parameters
int | $parentId | |
| string[] | $userGroupMap map groupId=>groupName |
- Returns
- array of array(group_id,count,group_name)
Definition at line 186 of file FolderDao.php.
Fossology\Lib\Dao\FolderDao::getFolder |
( |
$folderId | ) |
Fossology\Lib\Dao\FolderDao::getFolderContentsId |
( |
$childId | ) |
Get the folder contents id for a given child id
- Parameters
integer | $childId | Id of the child |
- Returns
- NULL|integer Folder content id if success, NULL otherwise
Definition at line 449 of file FolderDao.php.
Fossology\Lib\Dao\FolderDao::getFolderParentId |
( |
$folderPk | ) |
For a given folder id, get the parent folder id.
- Parameters
integer | $folderPk | ID of the folder |
- Returns
- number Parent id if parent exists, null otherwise.
Definition at line 465 of file FolderDao.php.
Fossology\Lib\Dao\FolderDao::getFolderUploads |
( |
$parentId, |
$trustGroupId = null |
) |
| |
- Parameters
int | $parentId | |
int | $trustGroupId | |
- Returns
- UploadProgress[]
Definition at line 247 of file FolderDao.php.
Fossology\Lib\Dao\FolderDao::getRootFolder |
( |
$userId | ) |
Fossology\Lib\Dao\FolderDao::hasTopLevelFolder |
( |
| ) |
Fossology\Lib\Dao\FolderDao::isFolderAccessible |
( |
$folderId, |
$userId = null |
) |
| |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: