![]() |
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
This release adds important corrections to 3.8.0-rc1
The release 3.8.0 also introduces new agent Software Heritage
. There is a special note about this agent.
Due to rate-limiting from Software Heritage, the agent might run slow. Please check the Geeky Scan Details of the agent to understand the cause of the delay.
Please check https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/#rate-limiting for more info.
Some notes about the UTF-8 database. The copyright (and sister) agent now creates only UTF-8 string. So it is safe to update to Postgres with UTF-8 encoded database. For more information, please refer to the wikipage Migration to UTF-8 DB
From the git commit history, we have following contributors since 3.8.0-rc1:
feat(SWH): catch exceptions in case of bad responsed8ac396c7
feat(DB): Recode copyright tables to UTF-83bbb7156a
feat(SWH): add time to reset if X-RateLimit-Limit reached for SWH agent144b81c19
feat(Copyright): Fixed the checking of config file in wrong folder3b6f4fac6
feat(unifiedReport): move obligations to DAO layer remove unused file148b774e5
fix(delete): Do not remove upload_pk6296b6738
fix(schema): Match schema with schema exportc49c5a691
fix(spdx-rdf-report): Fix comments in export.8880d1a98
fix(travis): Fix build config warningsc9c6f3cb9
fix(fo-installdeps): Added missing Fedora dependecies7d905ed6a
fix(AdviceLicense):Show error message on failurec0a4b25b3
fix(package): fix syntaxeec0a5faa
fix(rest): Remove hostname from JWT88f6de2e8
fix(travis): Fix page deploy stagea106def1c
fix(packaging): Create apache softlink on sourceb3abe195b
docs(contributing.md): Fixed broken link in contributing.md018de9705
fix(git) : add php.ini to gitignore09b48ffe5
docs(README): Refer to the correct file for the licenses5a28eabdc
fix(apache): Enable fossology on source installThis release brings a number of corrections (see below) and changes to the infrastructure. But it also adds new features to FOSSology, including:
Software Heritage Analysis
which searches for file existance in softare heritagedo not use
From the git commit history, we have following contributors since 3.7.0:
fix(copyright): Remove non utf8 stringsddcaa8eb9
fix(conf): Update install/defconf/fossology.conf.in50e7cf569
Fix(Dockerfile): make clean install clean2143f6aec
fix(lib): Check group on local decision only5a7bd82a8
fix(reuser): Run decider after reuserd97f9cec9
fix(ext-auth): check that external authentication is configuredc20b7fb0f
fix(SHagent): add proxy settings, add SH agent to PHPCSc60150d59
fix(bulk): Fix dropdown bulk on folder level251fd8dfd
fix(ojo): Add lower limit to license lengthfbc86017c
fix(nomos) : CC-BY-SA identification4c04b59bc
fix(nomos) : segfault for large offset valueffdd07786
fix(highlight): highlight for reference text that exists in different pagea3323dac8
fix(log): fix warnings from apache error log415b2ae78
fix(view-license): Browse file without scanner arsefe1301ab
fix(ui): decision and scope for licenses7c9ca59ef
fix(CHANGELOG): Fix the changelog87e709233
fix(build-dep): Add PHP-CLI as build dependency73fe66278
fix(ojo): Handle dual-license and SPDX new namingb84b6d26b
fix(admin): Allow read user to edit userc839f02b6
fix(copyright): Wait for ajax callsca9a1908c
fix(license-csv): Handle candidate licensesbdaad200d
fix(license-csv): Update license if exists50558dcb5
fix(rest): Hide sensitive user info79d42b791
fix(wget_agent): Fix possible memory corruption and leaksa84db62f8
fix(wget_agent): Archivefs: Prevent possible buffer overflow1c5498f0c
fix(wget_agent): GetURL: Part 3 - Prevent possible buffer overflowafed499a3
fix(wget_agent): GetURL: Part 2 - Prevent possible buffer overflow1db296e2c
fix(wget_agent): GetURL: Part 1 - Prevent possible buffer overflow88d98224f
Revert "Merge pull request #1498 from siemens/feat/rest/provide-group-upload"a55e1e818
chore(wget_agent): Remove redndant code8cb62708e
chore(nomos): Rename test file12b7da1d7
chore(lib): Move agent list to common placef50ff3ca6
refac(wget_agent): DBLoadGold Don't open pipe before checking Fin7237b38b8
refac(wget_agent): DBLoadGold: Prevent possible buffer overflowd9beb426a
refac(wget_agent): Remove superfluous rc_system variable2244a9150
refac(wget_agent): Part 1 - Prevent possible buffer overflowdff78a713
refac(wget_agent): add function for destination of wget commandc3dca9ae0
feat(migrate): Program to make file UTF-8 compatibleb31ba2ff1
feat(unifiedReport): include DNU information in assesment summary80a184dad
feat(SWHagent): add status of request to DBe2b92bc15
feat(auth): Add external authentification feature8f4c63010
feat(ojo): Remove upper limit from license name2a6ab581b
feat(rest): Get the license list for upload164fb898f
feat(reuse): add reuse of report configuration settings28111118e
feat(SHagent): add new table column with Software Heritage Statusd15c64d3b
feat(email-smtp-config): Add SMTP User field into Fossology email6f00ed38e
feat(rest): Add group context (groupName param) for REST Api calls9d981d2ce
feat(rest): Send upload summaryf4b56e186
feat(upload): add feature to change permission of a all uploads in a folder77d4d8895
feat(decisions): add new decision type do not use74aa499d2
feat(ui): Place DataTables processing at topf3bb51eac
feat(software-heritage): Update the description in debian packagea05ac660d
feat(software-heritage): Update the composer.lock filed9fdbd6c1
feat(softwareHeritage): Update software heritage details in debian package1e994d646
feat(softwareHeritageView): Show the details of software heritage in the license list pagede6a46b85
feat(softwareHeritageView): Show the details of software heritage in the license list page71d785cda
feat(software-heritage): Make softwareHeritage dao function and add allabb463dd9
feat(software-heritage): Redundancy check while inserting softwareHeritage record6a9786544
feat(software-heritage): Make the ui section of software heritage0869f6c66
feat(software-heritage): Create a software heritage agentbf47edabd
feat(db): Make table of software heritage to store information034c48aa2
feat(dashboard): New dashboard pages with submenu9fe3d90d3
feat(unifiedReport): exclude scanner found copyrights of irrelevent files66a009d83
feat(conf): add obligations to consider a particular license for its obligationThis release adds important corrections to 3.7.0-RC1
Credits go to the following persons for this release since 3.7.0-RC1:
fix(obligation): Move candidate licensesc74f2f4af
fix(obligation): Associate all lic with same name68094159b
fix(copyright): only scanner finding copyrights to unifiedreport23cb2f66a
fix(counter): Optimize clearing counter queries3885ac14d
fix(db): Optimize license browse queries96a4da4c3
refactor(report): edited global license code make it available for unified repot fix php codesniffer08ac47678
fix(decider): remove force dependency of nomos and monk for ojo decider add nomos dependency if required48c0caa14
chore(composer.json): updated symfony/dependency-injection version252bbaeb2
chore(installdeps): remove php-yaml from os level and add it to composer update composer.lock..2e158034e
docs(changelog): fix typod85038afc
chore(unifiedReport): change phpword to a latest version update composer.lock with new changesa674aa9e3
chore(docker-compose): harmonize versions with sw360choresThis release was created in order to bring important changes for the REST endpoints to a release, so integration, for example with sw360, work on a release but not with latest master. Besides improvement is the extension of the decider agent to allow for decisions based on found SPDX-License-Identifier tags found by the ojo agent.
There are many ways to commit to the source code, but if you count the commits to master, then the credits go to the following persons for this release since 3.6.0
feat(rest): add auto conclusion for ojo findings ifaf3f5738d
feat(license): Provide predefined license comments651a89088
feat(rest): Provide group ID during POST upload1a82e74a2
feat(decider): add auto conclusion for ojo findings if no contradiction with other findings71d1b7871
feat(rest): Provide API version as an endpoint808fa1db2
feat(rest): Upload packages from VCSfa2c27d16
feat(upload_vcs.html.twig) Use HTML <option selected>="">7887f02ad
feat(spdx): add user found copyrights to SPDX reports0505ca138
feat(upload_vcs.html.twig) make Git the default VCS rather than SVN8a5f14fd3
feat(pbconf): adapt to pb 0.15 and new fossology 3.3+5a9a341be
feat(api): Add pagination to jobs endpoint7a190c110
feat(api): Add OJO analysis to REST API12f064abe
feat(api): Get job status and ETA8989c1e17
feat(copyright): New directory scan and better JSON49fcfa05a
fix(rest): do not schedule decider if the option is empty1045cf4f6
fix(readmeoss): added edited global license text in readmeoss213222d31
fix(notices): updating notice file, debian copyright and spdx lic info9e524ef52
fix(rest): getUploads - invoke getRows with proper parameters416da0abc
fix: fix formatting as suggested in comment9a3f86d64
fix(groups): add validations and remove CONSTRAINTSe4e811f22
fix(geekyscan): make full job report link more descriptive closes #1346fcc5ef797
fix(deps): Added missing php-pgsql41fe2b4cd
fix(deps): Fix dependencies for Debian Busterf0348b64c
fix(buckets): Prevent possible buffer overflow/-run5f77fe45d
fix(ununpack): Fix compiler warnings for Debian 10/gcc87beb859d1
fix(pkgagent): Avoid possible buffer overrun with strncpy359ae6101
fix(lib/c): Prevent possible buffer overflow/-run89e461394
fix(delagent): Fix possible buffer overrun7ee6b5955
fix(mimetype): Fix usage of strncpy, remove memset4a2829ef2
fix(testing/db/c): Prevent buffer overflowsc1d165af6
fix(ununpack): Increase buffer sizes to prevent overflow7b62b6759
Attempting to fix bug in fo_nomos_license_liste559e388a
chore(control): Remove ninka from debian/controlc4df71415
refactor(fossology): Refactor modularity8c3caef81
chore(composer): Bumping composer to 1.9.0ff1aa9fe3
chore(ninka): Remove Ninka packaging from masterf0e56b1c5
test(licenseStdCommentDao): Add test cases for DAOAfter two release candidates, making fixes for migration tests, unified report and load issues with tree-view, FOSSology is stable enough for a new release. The main features of the 3.6.0 release can be found under RC1. Particular corrections after RC1 can be found under RC2.
Few interesting features in this release are:
(eye in Spanish) which does dedicated searches for the 'SPDX-License-Identifier' statementsFrom the git commit history, we have following contributors since 3.5.0:
andre, as.r eiche l@tn gtech .com
anupa, m.gh osh@s ieme ns.co m
class, icay ush@g mail .com
chien, pham vu@gm ail. com
chris, toph e.req uill art@a tos. net
mishr, a.ga urav@ siem ens.c om
maxim, ilia n.hub er@t ngtec h.co m
micha, el.c .jaeg er@s iemen s.co m
nicol, as1. touss aint @oran ge.c om
hsu@p, eter daveh ello .org
raino, .lin tulam pi@b ittiu m.co m
sandi, pbhu yan@g mail .com
shahe, em.a zmal@ siem ens.c om
tieg@, tide lift. com
vvksi ndia @gmai l.co m
fix(src/ununpack/agent/utils.c) update SHA256 of existing entries, patch proposed by .bdd004e43
fix(src/ununpack/agent/utils.c) remove unused #defineef4820fcd
fix(ajaxExplorer): Reduce view creationf16c0eecb
fix(importReport): update easyRDF to a stable versionThis pre-release adds important corrections to 3.6.0-RC2.
fix(dbMigrate): Fix PHP syntax error69b03a368
fix(copyright): Check if empty decision sent83897a185
fix(obligation): add default value if the obligation type and classification is empty90b7f551f
feat(unifiedreport): add candidate licenses to the list of obligations49d901c02
fix(ojo): Remove call to omitEndingLineFeed on<0.6This release brings a number of corrections (see below) and changes to the infrastructure. But it also adds nw features to FOSSology, including:
(eye in Spanish) which does dedicated searches for the 'SPDX-License-Identifier' statementsThere are many ways to commit to the source code, but if you count the commits to master, then the credits go to the following persons for this release:
feat(api): Cache Slim DI container840ba9b8d
feat(ci): Run travis jobs on Xenial62c86b865
feat(codesniffer): check php codesniffer through travis64878b7d7
feat(copyright): Show text findings in copyright1bbc203cc
feat(cp2foss): cp2foss prints out FolderPk as wellcc16066ef
feat(datatable): add select plugin of datatable to change pagingd3641939e
feat(db): Calculate the sha256 value of the uploading file and store it in database6b705539f
feat(db): Store SHA256 of the uploaded file7bc49eaec
feat(dbmigrate_3.5-3.6): add limit to process number of records4790c6353
feat(licenseRef): add new functionality to add new licenses and update existing licenses from SPDXd8076a088
feat(licenseref): convert licenseref file from sql to json format5ab3fe831
feat(licenses): nomos merge error fixed020595190
feat(licenses): SPDX identifier detection modified to include AND and OR options84cbbbbea
feat(ojo): New license scanner for SPDXfbfdc79fc
feat(spdx2): ignore files with no info in SPDX reports92cbbc2a0
feat(spdx2): SPDX output does not yet show license commentse514dc6d9
feat(ui): Add user description of available user in group management pagedcc74a9be
feat(ui): Show both user description and user name in 'Assigned to' list57493d0f1
feat(unifiedReport): separate user and scanner findings of copyrightsf3c9e3df7
feat(unifiedReport): update phpword version from v0.13.* to v0.16.*d528e4fb4
fix(obligations): fix UI and connected db to dropdown menuf65397495
fix(admin-license-file): Fix update conclusion to selfde2f76fd0
fix(advicelicense): fix double select of risk in advice license remove select2 initialisation in macrodb9f8c8fa
fix(api): Adhere to specification5ef99c95b
fix(build): Fix clean build from all dirs61f06e348
fix(codesniffer): Fix errors reported by phpcs1d1b94fbb
fix(copyright): Fix pagination of copyrightd6d2fabe3
fix(copyright): fix php notices in copyright hist view53849883c
fix(dbmigrate_3.5-3.6): add single quotes to string and calculate actual minutes0943d97ad
fix(download): Fix a call to non-static function4fb3dd1f0
fix(init.d): Implement missing function1a961298f
fix(migration): Make pfile sha calculation separate script0c6d64741
fix(nomos): nomos crash (#1337)9705b2d64
fix(pfile): Fix warnings in ununpack and wget75fc1252f
fix(pfile): SHA256 is still optionalfd1dc495a
fix(reportConf): include correct array from to fix report conf closes #1377d6f62de15
fix(showjob): General fix after refactor9659ac1b2
fix(showjobs): Check empty for allusers before updatingc2585dcb9
fix(showjobs): Fix the pagination3f2117c46
fix(spdx2): remove dependency from upload tablede64361f7
fix(strings): correct typoad9c6d7bc
fix(UI): increased the size of upload to reuse window in upload files40defdb6b
fix(ui): Show license findings for folder with single child65896cd3e
fix(unifiedreport): fixed issue with irrelevant file display5361fefd2
fix(unifiedReport): remove php warnings from job log453da1f13
fix(upload): remove dependency from upload table for SPDX shift the report info to new conf pagee304e4e39
fix(vscode): Add vscode editor file to gitignoreb6fdf1121
fix(process): Fix the PHP agent installation3bccc4078
test(ojo): Test casesdcc429edc
chore(debian): Fix lintian erros and warnings82653993d
chore(decisions): Store SHA256 of text findingsc2a22fb4a
chore(fo-installdeps): drop unsupported distros3b6a06e28
chore(travis): Disable unnecessary addon to speed up tests13e2cfd39
chore(travis): Enable ccache to speed up testsdf793036e
chore(travis): Enable composer cache to speed up tests34b8784e0
chore(travis): Enable Fast-Finish to retrieve build result faster0fc133583
chore(travis): Fix Coveralls execution patha45fc6965
chore(travis): Fix Coveralls output json file not writable issuef1676582d
chore(travis): Leverage yaml anchor for phpunitb576acbdc
chore(travis): Remove deprecated Travis CI sudo
chore(travis): Run PHPUnit via phpdbg to speed up tests90e7bdfe4
chore(travis): Set pipefail in Travis CI PHPUnit on PHP 7.0e5f9651c6
chore(travis): Show ccache bins & statistics summary2d24945f2
chore(version): Force the VERSION variablea7db0edd6
refac(showjobs): Refactor code to send JSONAfter two release candidates, making fixes for REST API installation and various migration tests, FOSSology is stable enough for a new release. The main features of the 3.5.0 release can be found under RC1. Particular corrections after RC1 can be found under RC2.
Mainly 3.5.0 adds more documentation, infrastructure improvements and support for brand new FOSSology REST API.
Moreover, new functionality has improved JSON output for nomos and restructured license detection for nomos. Last but not the least, FOSSology now have capabilities to ignore files specific to version control systems from the scanning improving scan times.
From the git commit history, we have following contributors since 3.4.0:
, , , , , -wittig, , , ,
: chore(docker): bump docker base image to stretch8df86b308
: fixup! chore(docker): bump docker base image to stretchThis pre-release adds important corrections to 3.5.0-RC1.
fix(apache): Add rewrite string to apache confba2b25ba6
fix(git): Add ubuntu log file to gitignoree63c17534
: feat(tokenExp): Make token max validity configurable16762d5a8
: feat(rest): Use bearer auth instead of basic229860e6f
: feat(nomos): Fix the JSON outpute72db0331
: feat(scm): correct in cli/cp2foss.php and add comment in agent/utils.c3b72db061
: feat(scm): ignore scm data when scanning0f277a1cb
: chore(docker): update dockerignorea4f136ab9
: feat(trac): Fix typo flase
instead of false
: feat(licenseref): add new exception text to fossology database854817d74
: feat(report): Added new endpoint to create reports62b25d07d
: feat(restapi): Post upload and get folders path0f5991a74
: chore(restapi): Use Slim inplace of Silex93dbe3df9
: feat(licenses): creative commons detection rewritten. Bug fixes.94b0f1ee3
: feat(license-admin): Show obligations for license3b3eb3f5e
: refactor(maintagent): refactor maintagent codec46cb3bef
: feat(reused-info): Show reused package in info page47307a87e
: docs(lib-php): Doxygen comments for BusinessRules388bd2245
: refactor(view-page): Use Twig templates for info pagee47676311
: feat(maintagent): add feature to delete orphaned files from database041b5770c
: docs(lib-php): Doxygen comments for Auth namespacec9cc5cd01
: docs(lib-php): Added doxygen comments for Application namespaceba2193c3b
: docs(lib-php): Added doxygen comment for Agent class8805b55ca
: docs(libphp): Added doxygen comments for PHP common lib8fda5381b
: docs(libcpp): Added doxygen comments for CPP librarya9e862baf
: test(nomos): Added test case for EPL in pom.xml9a30827ee
: docs(templates): Fix minor typos in templatese1608f9e6
: chore(fo-postinstall.in): Give better notificationb6645af42
: feat(licenseRef): check flag before updating the license text6b6dbb186
: feat(copyright): select and replace copyright in bulk mode34661939a
: docs(restapi): Option to create API documentationaf6ba64f9
: chore(common-job): Remove unnecessery changes87cb1104f
: chore(restapi): Change the path for REST classesbea3cf48c
: chore(restapi): Allocate namespaces to the files07ab61055
: replay 6a1f712, 45f02535 and 8c3a7107aa12b0a7
: add auth8fb000fef
: feat(api): add fossology openapi specificationec5ebeb99
: feat(select2): Use select2 lib for drop-downsab40ea0f8
: feat(pages): Deploy FOSSology GitHub pages using Travis8fc071da7
: chore: add best practices badgeec9409ab1
: fix(restApi): Fix for missing plugins5e9433d29
: fix(maintagent): do not delete decisions with scope 14a3c7cb01
: fix(Vagrantfile): Enable mod rewrite in vagrant for REST14e1a4517
: fix(api): Change back to version 1, remove trailing '/'7623c4436
: fix(schema): Use open api 3.0.0 to describe API documentation93dbe3df9
: feat(licenses): creative commons detection rewritten. Bug fixes.3b01a5333
: fix(fo-installdeps): Add php-mbstring to build depsfa2378625
: fix(delagent): delete existing clearing events using delagent6e26fdde1
: fix(scheduler): add check for empty results from queryd9fd5fe4b
: fix(filter): Update the filter in license browser7e6506355
: fix(nomos): Detect EPL-1.078b41aee3
: fix(constraints): Also clean old constraints36e22784c
: fix(licenses): restore regexp POSIX compatibility2c71518ae
: fix(nomos): Fix license string checks191abff84
: fix(nomos): Use space as separator47b71300f
: fix(restapi): Implement TODOsa115b460a
: fix(restapi): Use FOSSology functions11486eea9
: fix(response): Use JsonResponse instead of plain Response0ccea49a5
: fix(libschema): Remove schema to match PHP stringsb71c25696
: fix(bulk-license): Resize the dropdown for bluk licensee8bc89878
: fix(web.postinst): Reflect changes from php-conf-fix7e3e9b081
: fix(ScheduleAgent): Prevent multiple agent schedulesd05d30aa9
: fix(agent): Reschedule failed agentsAfter two release candidates, compatibility isues with updating from 3.2.0 and 3.3.0 have been resolved. The main features of the 3.4.0 release are found under the release candidate one for the 3.4.0 release (cf. https://github.com/fossology/fossology/releases/tag/3.4.0-rc1). Particular updates compared to the release candidate two (cf. https://github.com/fossology/fossology/releases/tag/3.4.0-rc2) are found below.
Mainly, 3.4.0, including the two release candidates, adds more documentation, infrastructure support and testing. It improves the support for Debian 9 stretch and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Moreover, new functionality has been added for running FOSSology from the command line including optimized output in JSON directly from the agent. Last but now least, updates have been applied to incorporate updates at the SPDX License List, such as the support for recognizing license exceptions.
Looking into the git commit history, it shows you all the users who have contributed to this release since 3.3:
Tatsuo, Steve, Shaheem, Robert, rlintu, Michael, Maximilian, Gaurav, Dmitry, Anupam
fix(constraints): Remove more faulty constraintsc6743d5
fix(unifiedreport): add default count as 0 in result of scanfaaaeed
fix(installdeps): Run child terminals interactively6a298ea
fix(debian): Add php7.2 dependencies for Ubuntu Bionic36c8da7
fix(debian): Install composer.phar before running itThis pre-release adds important corrections to 3.4.0-RC1 and also the commit to update the changelog information and therefore features for the 3.4.0 release are found in the section for the release candidate 1 for 3.4.0 information listed below.
fix(dashboard): change comparison statements for postgres5c463d1
fix(constraints): Remove faulty constraints6b017b1
fix(resequence): Check the column name from DB1983b29
fix(tests): fix PHPCS and phpunit testcases for deciderjob592e48f
fix(core-schema): drop constraint from clearing_event and license_filter99a56a1
fix(postgresql): Fixed postgresql version to 9.6 and use a volume0ce85bd
chore(copyright): Remove DISABLE_JSON macro31be206
feat(copyright): Use package based dependency for json714d7f4
docs(changelog): updating changelog files114750a
feat(addLicense): Retain previous request valuesbe6e705
feat(adminLicense): Add search to each columnde88249
feat(bulk): inclusion of licensetext, acknowledgement and commente67549b
feat(composer): Updated development dependencies. * Switched to Mockery::pattern for pattern matching.f5c89fa
feat(copyright): allow copyright to run standalonefd302b1
feat(copyright): Enable recursion testaef0070
feat(copyright): New JSON hpp version5dd657a
feat(copyright): refactor copyrightDao check uploadtree table name923982a
feat(docker-compose): Prepared docker-compose Dockerfile to replace the standalone Dockerfile. Changes: docker-compose.docker-entrypoint.sh: * Refactored bash script.4ffe259
feat(docker): Implemented multi-staged build. * Added simple test for standalone copyright.346546d
feat(docker): Replaced standalone Dockerfile with docker-compose. Changes: .dockerignore: * Added some unrelated files for docker.058a41b
feat(emailConfig): Move config settings to sysconfig table215b6d8
feat(fo-installdeps): Drop support for End-of-Life distributions.7b804e1
feat(fo-postinstall): Added flag to omit all database operations.063d5df
feat(fo-postinstall): Implemented best practises for bash script.e9345a2
feat(fossology): Support for Bionic Beaverd89c334
feat(info): change tag from input to textarea refactor ShowReportInfo add missing 843d319
feat(jquery): update jquery, datatable and select2 to latest versions 1) fix delete license color issue 2) fix width issue for user decisionsab30fbf
feat(keyword): new-keyword-agent192b1bb
feat(license_administration): add sorting, update datatable7e22a09
feat(license_administration): Improvements of the existing implementation for the admin license table.320865e
feat(licenses): add license test to licenseref.sql from SPDX1b5f5ee
feat(licenses): exceptions detection restructured6da4823
feat(licenses): gnu-javamail-exception bug correctedbaec095
feat(licenses): MPL detection bug corrected0a6436a
feat(monk): add monk knowledgebase serialization4c5c00a
feat(php): Improved PHP 7.2 support.Added support for PHPUnit 6.49ffd73
feat(php): Replaced the class Object by builtin features.0093d1a
feat(phpunit): Migrated to namespaced phpunit.d89539e
feat(pkgagent): Drop support for RPM 4.4.x and RHEL/CentOS 5.d09331f
feat(prepare-test): Print a warning to user for perpare-testb202f93
feat(readmeoss): add license shortname above the license text5033861
feat(serverUpload): Check for wildchar during upload891bb45
feat(test): Bypass API rate limit of github.fd237b0
feat(wget_agent): Mask password in log0bcd1b7
fix(ars_seq): Reset ars sequence to ars_master7276004
fix(author): Fix multiple entries in author tabled764d97
fix(cli): there were minor problems in the variable namescb9f5c0
fix(cliTest): Ununpack and copyright cli test fixes24beb0e
fix(copyright): match copyright statements in full945aad2
fix(copyright): replace ct_pk with table_pk for all copyright sub-agents13898c2
fix(copyright): unify same column selection for both queries4e1acb4
fix(cunit-version): Change script with new syntax33b5ea7
fix(dataTable): Make removed class commond3a1b31
fix(dataTables): Update datatable objects to 1.10edb57fc
fix(decisions): Replace copyright_decision_pk with table_pk8638bd7
fix(delagent): Extra drop statements in test5a041ab
fix(delagent): Prevent unauthorized delete from CLId277eb7
fix(deps): Add Boost runtime dependenciesaac3126
fix(deps): Add boost runtime dependency fix #1175af0d048
fix(docker-compose): Added missing mod_deps in the docker-compose.Dockerfile.8f65e44
fix(ecc-view): Update ecc_decision table to match other schema97647f1
fix(email): Prevent scheduler crashes7813c66
fix(email): Update existing sysconfig values87016ec
fix(fo-installdeps): Allow running without the option '-y'.f88d428
fix(import-csv): syntax error in importing license-csv42ab00a
fix(install_offline): Fix install_offline recipe to run in install folderd2a3b85
fix(license-list): fix handling of getLicensesPerFileNameForAgentId resulte79df05
fix(licenseUpdate): update the license parameters with same shortnamedcbbff4
fix(mimetype): Quick fix for mimetype testd83507a
fix(monkbulk): check the job status when scheduling multiple monkbulksfa35d2a
fix(ninka): typo for ninka scriptf77eeaf
fix(nomos): fix nomos crash3ff7487
fix(nomos): fix posix incompatible regular expressions181a9f6
fix(nonzipUpload): change the upload_modece8dab0
fix(perpare-test): Give more options to users85573fe
fix(pkgagent): Added support for RPM >= 4.14793eb13
fix(postinstall): Look for compressed man pages also44e2bd6
fix(scheduler): make init script wait for postgresql on startupdaa0bd0
fix(scheduler): revert make init script wait for postgresql on startupb4fdf40
fix(schema): Add missing constraintsa87c285
fix(schema): check with the table property for current scheme8a8097d
fix(sysconfig): Change structure of valuesddab228
fix(test): Remove prepare test from test target4e670f8
fix(testCases): Fix scheduler and ununpack test cases08cfa75
fix(travis): Missing phppcd on travis. * Switched the jobs "Syntax Check", "Static Code Analysis" and "Copy/Paste Detector" to sudoless.051f91e
fix(unitTests): Fixing CUnit and PHPUnit tests196731f
fix(uploadSrv): Copyright statement fix94424d9
fix(user): Update user's current group while removing from group426fdbb
fix(wget_agent): Ignore test_proxy_ftp, because it is flaky on travis.372a308
fix(xenial): Added the missing runtime dependency php7.0-mbstring.51376ae
chore(deps): Implemented best practices for bash scripts.adc9117
chore(doxygen): Add license header to doxygen conf file69ce635
chore(tests): Removed dummy directories for testing.a824fe1
chore(travis): Removed global environment variables usage. * Moved syntax check and static code analysis in separate steps.252f663
chore(travis): Simplified travis.yml * Removed unused dependencies. * Removed caching for apta11fdfb
chore(unifiedreport): Remove extra space762e9fc
chore(vagrant): Switched to ubuntu/xenial64. * Removed symlinks. * Added missing test dependency. * Added script to configure vagrant for development.c13f06d
perf(copyright): Improve query for pfile on uploadae66e68
perf(copyright): Use prepared statements to fetch pfiles7473a25
perf(Docker): Use Debian Jessie slim variant6e5b21c
refactor(monk): refactor and cleanup codeee154ea
test(monk): add more unit and functional tests for monkf06006f
doc(screenshots): add wrongly deleted screenshots back into the source code87d2d9c
docs(adj2nest): Added doxygen comments for adj2nest3380961
docs(agents): Added supported CLI options to every agent65764e5
docs(buckets): Added doxygen comments for buckets agent1c6b01d
docs(contributing): Added steps to create PRce496cc
docs(CONTRIBUTING): Made required changes in noteb97f643
docs(copyright): Added doxygen comments for copyright agentd013713
docs(debug): Added doxygen comments for debug pluginb835cb6
docs(decider): Added doxygen comments for decider agentb85cb8c
docs(deciderjob): Added doxygen comments for deciderjob agent3bb9c64
docs(delagent): Added doxygen comments for delagenta11054d
docs(demomod): Added doxygen comments for demomodddca886
docs(doxygen): Add doxygen conf filea0387d9
docs(issue): Issue, PR template for new requests6793719
docs(libc): Doxygen documentation for C librarycf1305c
docs(LICENSE): Create LICENSE to reflect in gitc3925cb
docs(main): remove outdated screenshots42f7737
docs(mainpage): Include text from README.mdc415a5e
docs(maintagent): Added doxygen comments for maintagent5fa5579
docs(mimetype): Added doxygen comments for mimetype agentd652eb1
docs(nomos): Doxygen documentation for NOMOS agente0c4ecc
docs(nomos):update call hierarchy notesa125fc4
docs(pkgagent): Added doxygen comments for pkgagnetf1ae113
docs(README): fix readme for docker-compose and version numbersd57c426
docs(README): Show only master build status9d6f865
docs(readmeoss): Added doxygen comments for ReadmeOssbd32a77
docs(regexscan): Added doxygen comments for regexscanfe463a7
docs(reuser): Added doxygen comments for reuserd1d8a6a
docs(scheduler): Added doxygen comments for scheduler8f73e10
docs(sections): Created unique section name for every agent2ca0ea5
docs(spdx2): Added doxygen comments for SPDX2315f4d4
docs(unifiedreport): Added doxygen comments for unifiedreport10d0588
docs(ununpack): Added doxygen comments for ununpack07a8356
docs(ununpack): Fix few spelling mistakeseb30027
docs(wc_agent): Added doxygen comments for wc_agente79fe95
docs(wget_agent): Added doxygen comments for wget_agent4f48227
feat(ui): Color mapping for risk level in the ui.12f5546
feat(nomos): extend unclassified license detection9904b2c
feat(license): add acknowledgements to license clearing include acknowledgements in unified report include acknowledgements in readmeoss add acknowledgement tests05dbf91
feat(licenses): add license text to fossology database from SPDX license text added for Abstyles, Adobe-2006, Adobe-Glyph, Afmparse, AMPAS, APAFML, bzip2-1.0.5, bzip2-1.0.6, CrystalStacker, curl, gnuplot, Intel-ACPI, MIT-CMU, SCEA, TCL, TMate rename license Intel-acpi to Intel-ACPI closes #10524299a5f
feat(obligation): update csv licesnse changes in the obligation tablebe6434e
feat(licenses): missing INFILE added, IBM-reciprocal addede478bbf
fix(reuser): copy license decision in reuse3d0c4b8
fix(schema): check for inherits when drop indexes7bc1c82
fix(copyright): Fix copyright_decision tabled7cd66c
fix(upload-file): get distinct of groupid to insert in perm upload tabled76a643
fix(reuser): remove warnings and errors with testcases for reuse1d6ff8e
fix(unifiedreport): Global license appears twice in Main license section9269a36
fix(uploadSrvPage): Added feature so that users can update the name of upload manually5b32c69
fix(phptestcase): Remove PHP 5.5 test case8c3a710
fix(search.php): max records per page updated and documentation added45f0253
fix(search.php): Fix the algorithm for total number of files matching the search criteria6a1f712
fix(search.php): Fix the number of files matching the search criteria9b9c214
fix(copyright): read only users should be able to read copyrights3bf9fff
fix(perm): reading license information and browsing should be allowed with annonymous user616d635
fix(delagent): change query which deletes all files with same pfile5bcaa71
fix(browse): ajax browse required loginca7ac1a
fix(obligations): remove extra else cases and fix warnings000fdb3
fix(browseView): change style of checkbox button whole folder | Marked upload change job title as well as upload name if the multi readmeOss or SPDX2 scheduled49d1c37
fix(cp2foss): fix cp2foss -X parameter usagef5aa2cf
refactor(common-ui): fix spelling mistake24022a5
docs(vagrant): add vagrant setup documentation99254a5
feat(unifiedreport): update phpword from v0.12.0 to v0.13.*2aab236
feat(copyright-testcases): test for getallcopyrightentries for report7dd9ac9
feat(unifiedReport): add user findings of copyright and ecc from files with non-agent findingf0f484f
feat(treeView): add remove option for deletion of applied irrelevant decisions through file tree editce78359
feat(schema): add new combined indexes to database tables copyright, author, ecc, clearing_decision, license_file, uploadtree_aedaa1ad
feat(unifiedreport): add upload history url to title table add groupname next to username correct warnings in obligation3d0c016
feat(report): report assessment summary checkbox selection62580c8
fix(delagent): Delete-Folder without deleting duplicate upload/s in other folders85ae4ba
fix(lib): container.php access fix from cache1a7fcde
fix(spdx): make SPDX-rdf and SPDX-tv templates consistend19a4919
fix(unifiedreport): rearrange common and additional obligation text for word report4deb48c
fix(deploy): Fix TimeZone computation when links are used72ce275
fix(common-agents): add check for empty array and false85ae4ba
fix(lib): container.php access fix from cache33d5c2b
fix(ui): checkbox param call more adaptable with php 5.4c48cc64
fix(www): change var name to not be used in RegisterMenusdee3aa2
fix(bulk): separate td for each image and add width for select283352a
fix(lib): decision for future occurrence of files439c496
fix(treeView): removed license through edit, still exists56b47ea
fix(candidateLicense): add a scrollbar to list of files in popup if exceeds 200pxb9d595f
fix(obligation): select obligation type and classification by defaulta9003b1
fix(dep5): add missing endif for deb5 documenta9606e9
fix(copyright): fix edit and undo of copyright and ecc90fd1d8
refactor(delagent) use template9b00ca2
Revert "chore(changelog): update to commitlint"402ae25
fix(pb): general correction to enable rpm-based packages9995f56
fix(rpm): Fix VERSION delivery under /etc/fossologye431594
fix(rpm): Copy the correct VERSION file in /etc/fossology for spec3b73c0f
fix(pb): smaller corrections to enable build on master15e8645
chore(make): Remove declaration of COMPOSER_PHAR variable33431fa
chore(pb): corrections on the project builder rpm buildbf814ff
chore(pb): Provides a working build infrastructureb389a4c
feat(report): new word report05a3061
feat(reportImport): some cleanup and minor improvementscb24345
feat(reportImport): handle orLaterOperator
feat(reportImport): add imported coyprights as decisions5fdb4ce
feat(reportImport): add corresponding debain definitions09b90a2
feat(reportImport): minor changes to satisfy older PHP versions74f6241
feat(reportImport): parse also xml files0fdba11
feat(spdx2): also export ninka and import data0d46873
feat(reportImport): add option to create real licenses3f95181
feat(reportImport): handle all arguments from UIfa56a96
feat(spdx2Import): splitup to support other formats0bc8788
feat(spdx2Import): refactoring and splitup of files3d469b2
feat(spdx2Import): menu entry at "Upload::..."bd20cc7
feat(spdx2Import): start to make conclusions optional26c4187
feat(spdx2Import): compare only by sha19e68781
feat(spdx2Import): conclusions26bff73
feat(spdx2Import): also import copyright statementsb7bd5b6
feat(spdx2Import): inital commiteffb5a2
feat(candidate): add delete feature to candidate licenses3ee22e9
feat(copyright): allow to have multiple copyright decisions7bc2e43
feat(treeView): add operation to make multiple files irrelevant4716837
feat(backup): add s3 backup and restoreb69a771
feat(spdx2): add name field to extracted license info6cb3192
feat(copyright): also show deactivated copyrights in the UIeb6f19e
feat(spdx2): bump output version from 2.0 to 2.127225f4
feat(spdx2): strip invalid characters from non-spdx-compatible licensesfb99c54
feat(docker-compose): increase apache verbosity82356c2
feat(copyright): JSON output956855f
feat(monk): JSON output2a397af
feat(nomos): JSON output5439978
feat(obligations): extend datamodel and obligation managemente9a1481
feat(copyright): split tables, separate tables for copyright and email,author,url97fe4c4
feat(dashboard): add PHP info table6fa1479
feat(delete): allow deletion of multiple uploadsd88a645
feat(delete): add select2 to folder selectc946064
feat(organize): allow searching for folders to copy/move tod5871d7
feat(search): show number of search-results5576025
feat(install): provide easy install script268b689
feat(reuse): search all folderse59ee82
feat(clearing): load clearing history in a model on click919503c
feat(monk): make use of rf_active to detect monk scan for licenses5523b77
feat(clearing): Add dialog box for text and comment feilds in single file clearing viewdfcc733
feat(Obligation): add first implementation of obligations and risks managementd8b291e
feat(clearingView): add action column in the leftmost positioncb582fa
feat(advice-license): add full text search to advice licensed19cb3b
feat(licenseList): add clearing decisions as part of license list generation and export in csv64e5ffa
feat(copyright): split copyright histogram to seperate copyrights hist and email,author,url hist21c2787
feat(GUI): yellow flag for files with decision type "To Be Determined"a77cba4
feat(select-searchbar): add select2 searchbarf5e65fb
fix(reportImport): fix bug in reportImport, refactor file matching29d5a7a
fix(delagent): Delete-Folder without deleting duplicate upload/s in other foldersc1f4cdb
fix(install): update packages deps for latest debian and ubuntu55ce2bb
fix(debian9): add compatibility with debian9e7603a5
fix(ui): own css file shoult be loaded lastc8af79d
fix(docker): .git should not be excluded via dockerignore773c459
fix(obligations): select only single value for ob_classification and ob_type8115de6
fix(obligations): rename obligation to license map table4eda85d
fix(spdx): adhere file naming convention8ba2d52
fix(travis): do not build multiple times81d3590
fix(licenses): remove special chars from GPL-1.0, CPAL-1.0 and MPL-2.0c49d4c0
fix(docker-compose): do not build twice4616608
fix(www): Undefined index in admin-license-file.php8a66754
fix(obligations): correct php syntax using phpcs40775c5
fix(licenseref): changing shortname of 3DFX license to 'Glide'9570e7f
fix(nomos): fix posix incomparible regular expressions5d01085
fix(license): remove junk characters from LGPL-2.1 license text4e222c8
fix(debian9): fix debian linker error070ee8a
fix(jquery): remove old version of jquery from copyright-hista1b818a
fix(docker): use debian 8.8 for imagesecfefea
fix(delagent): remove unused variables15f748a
fix(obligations): reintegrate lost changes0cf4c7d
fix(folder-deletion): don't delete duplicate files in other folder ...3105198
fix(licenseView): display clearing history for all clearings done on file levele4e6cda
fix(delagent): delete child folder by parent idcbe65df
fix(license-edit): fix regression with broken license edit list6607b13
fix(resolveConflicts): resolve conflicts after merge from master1985be3
fix(licenseExport): change the filename format of export license5c5cb4f
fix(bulk-scan): don't schedule bulk scan, if no license/ref-text35d12a5
feat(nomos): add new license RSA-Cryptoki0b8e58b
fix(nomos): issue #754 (regex error)14f6062
fix(libfoss): make agent processed items counting atomic056a9a8
fix(spdx) typo 'spxd2' in document templates9cdf1d6
refactor(reportImport): spdx2Import -> reportImportca77960
chore(changelog): update to commitlintfcb8357
chore(changelog): removed changeloge268d89
chore(gitignore): add more entries to the blacklist8dfcee6
chore(travis): fix changelog lint833d4ce
chore(travis): enforce changelog40495f7
chore(composer): composer enhancementsc77c7ad
chore(copyright): Fetch json.hpp on the flyc655c84
chore(pb): vagrant file and spec file for pb run for centos7ae26006
style(GUI): License Comment column needs line breaksf62a4ec
chore(editorconfig): change indent_style and sizeed30641
chore(travis): Add PHP syntax checking to Travis2a4b8d3
chore(jquery): update jQuery to 3.2.0 and jQuery UI to 1.12.1acb62cc
chore(editorconfig): add editorconfig to project/tmp/composer/composer
in the URLapt-get install -qq ...
times outIn order to see the issues that were closed so far for this release candidate, please refer to the github page:
Please note that you will find some of the issues open for 3.1.0 milestone - the goal of the release candidate is testing and wrapping things up, and as such the issue space for 3.1.0 will be cleaned up soon.
Feature : Brief Explanation
New folder navigation : Jquery based table UI for downloads including sorting and filtering with more handling attributes per upload.
New license UI for editing concluded licenses : Instead of providing a separate UI for license conclusion, now a single file view license UI allows for efficient license situation review: highlighted texts and selected licenses are moving together to one view now.
Re-use of license decisions : At uploading a new file, a user can select existing uploads for reusing already applied license decisions, if the file hash is the same.
Bulk assignment of license decisions based on text phrases : When identifying a phrase hinting to particular license (e.g. "license info can be found in readme"), the user can define this text as search string and assign a license decision to every matching file.
Auto-decision of the Monk and Nomos scanner find the same license in the same text area : If both scanners find the same license by short name, then a license decision can be applied automatically.
Adding Ninka as optional scanner : At upload or at scheduling jobs, the user can run Ninka scanner with FOSSology as third license scanner.
New UI for editing copyrights : Separate display for URL, E-Mails, copyright statements and authorship notes.
Adding the concept of candidate licenses, to let users add licenses as candidates for the system : New licenses must be added carefully to the server database. However, in order not to stop a user a reviewing an upload, candidate licenses can be registered for addition to the server by the server admin later.
License import and export using a CSV interface : Using CSV formatted files, licenses with the reference texts can be imported and exported to the FOSSology server.
Adding readme / copying file generation : Concluded licenses and copyright statements are written into a text file that is information for the distribution.
SPDX 2.0 file generation : Based on the scan results and concluded licenses, SPDX 2.0 XML format is generated (passes verification tool).
Issue No. : Issue Title : Resolution
Issue No. : Issue Title : Resolution
Issue No. : Issue Title : Resolution
This is the same as 2.6.0-RC1 but with a performance fix that effected large databases.
See the RC1 notes below for what changed. If you are upgrading an RPM system make sure you follow the [[Sysadmin_Documentation|System administration documentation]]. There was a serious bug in our previous rpm packages that can delete your existing repository. So please follow the updated upgrade instructions. Debian/Ubuntu systems are not effected by this.
All the issues can be seen in our "issue tracker": (link outdated)